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Implement Best Practices, Create a Sustainable Business

Authors:Novita Puteri K., Dwi Putri Julyanti, Bagus Adiputra Utama, Adiyat (and the other 11 authors); Shinta Laksmita Putri
Publisher:PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk.
Release Year:2023

Book Descriptions

The book "Implement Best Practices, Create a Sustainable Business" describes various internal initiatives and programs that have succeeded in bringing about change and become milestones in the Company's operations. This book gives readers an overview and insight into how Chandra Asri looks at every environmental, social and governance (ESG) opportunity and risk necessary for business and stakeholders, then adapts to them in operations to create a sustainable business. It is hoped that this book becomes a helpful reference for professionals working in industries similar to Chandra Asri and the broader community.

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