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Code of Conduct & Policies

Chandra Asri has a Code of Conduct (CoC) as guidance in act and the implementation of Good Corporate Governance. CoC is a written provisions that is used as reference in conducting business activities that must be understood and carried out every day. CoC also regulates corporate behavior and individual behavior related to compliance, health and safety, conflicts of interest management, compliance with laws, procurement, security of information and assets, and public information disclosure.

CoC applies to all employees and management (Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners) of Chandra Asri as well as its Subsidiaries and every joint venture company within Chandra Asri’s control. It is expected that every Employee; and stakeholder, including but not limited to a business partner, a supplier or vendor, a customer, a contractor, an agent, a consultant and/or any other third party who works with, for or represent Chandra Asri  must understand and follow this Code of Conduct.

Evaluation of CoC implementation is conducted periodically to ensure that all elements of the Company has been running the business rules based on the ethics and high standards that have been set. In addition, a review of CoC is conducted to determine whether it requires changes and/or adjustments of regulations in connection with the development of Chandra Asri’s business.

Chandra Asri Code of Conduct consists of guideline for below aspect:

1. People and Safety

  • The General Guidance
  • Respect Human Rights and Equal Treatment
  •  Workplace Harassment
  • Safety, Health, and Environment

2. Fighting Bribery, Corruption and Money Laundering Practices

  • Bribery and Corruption
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Gifts and Entertainment
  • Money Laundering

3. Business Activities

  • Compliance with Laws & Regulations
  • Procurement
  • Fair Competition

4. Employees Political Activities

5. Safeguarding Information and Assets

  • Protection of Assets
  • Information Technology (IT) and Communication Facilities
  • Personal Data
  • Record Management

6. Communication

  • Business Communication
  • Public Disclosure

7. Consultation and Reporting Mechanisms

  • Whistleblower Channels

As a form of Chandra Asri's further commitment in implementing the Chandra Asri Code of Conduct, Chandra Asri has developed the following policies:

  1. Human Rights Policy 
  1. Whistleblowing Management Policy 

To access our Code of Conduct document download here