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Partnership Program

Along with the development of business conducted, Chandra Asri is determined to continuously contribute to the social community development by providing assistance and encouragement to the community and environment in order to participate in economic benefits.


Chandra Asri facilitates capital and business assistance to small and micro entrepreneurs (assisted partner) by provides unsecured revolving loan for working capital requirements to hundreds of assisted partners and organizations distributed in Gunung Sugih Village, Mangunreja Village, Kosambironyok and Anyer.

Chandra Asri also formed the Village Finance Agency and held training for the personnel so that they are able to form and manage Small Medium Enterprises well, purposefully and effectively. As a continuation of the training, formed Cooperaation in Kosambironyok village by name "Maju Sejahtera" which now has a grocery store that is able to supply the daily needs and provide economic benefits for its members.