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CSR Program Policy

Chandra Asri Peduli

Under the auspices of Chandra Asri Care, Chandra Asri is committed to prioritize all the efforts in creating a harmony between CAP’s business sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Chandra Asri seeks to engage in in sustainable development, working with employees, employee’s families, local communities, and the public as well as Stakeholders in order to improve the quality of a better life.


As a foundation in implementing CSR programs, Chandra Asri establishes policies as guidance in carrying out operational activities as follows:

  1. Sustainable Resources
    Ensuring the usage of sustainable resources by maximize operational efficiency and natural resources conservation.
  2. Pollution
    Improve our environmental performance by preventing or minimizing negative impacts from Company’s operations and efficiently manage waste and promoting 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
  3. Emergency Preparedness and Safety Training Providing
    Employees with appropriate training to enable proper respond on emergency case and eliminate personal safety and health hazards to prevent injuries, occupational illnesses, and fatalities.
  4. Risk Assessment
    Manage potential health, environment, safety and integrity risks of our products throughout the produts’ life cycle.
  5. Social and Community Development
    Conducting community development to improve the living standards and welfare of the community through support, counseling and continuous socialization.
  6. Customer Satisfaction
    Meet or exceed customers’ requirements and expectations through responsive actions to complaints and nonconformities, and maintain active communication with our customers and partners in the supply chain.