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21 - 02- 2023

21 - 02- 2023

Chandra Asri Supports Sustainable Infrastructure Through Utilization of Low-Value Plastic Waste

Chandra Asri Supports Sustainable Infrastructure Through Utilization of Low-Value Plastic Waste

Chandra Asri Supports Sustainable Infrastructure Through Utilization of Low-Value Plastic Waste

Commemorate National Waste Awareness Day (HPSN), Chandra Asri collaborated with the Indonesian Plastic Recycling Association (ADUPI) and the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office (PUPR) of Garut Regency to hold a discussion on the Utilization of Low-Value Plastic Waste for Sustainable Infrastructure. The topic discussed aligns with the circular economy initiatives carried out by the Company and partners to address the waste problem, and is also in line with the 2023 National Waste Awareness Day theme, namely, "Complete Waste Management for Community Welfare". This circular economy concept is also one of the solutions to reduce plastic waste in landfills and, at the same time, an effort to increase the economic value of low-value plastic waste.

Attended by Secretary of Garut Regency PUPR Office, Asep Oo Kosasih, Deputy Chairperson of Adupi, Justin Wiganda, and Director of Legal, External Affairs, and Circular Economy Chandra Asri, Edi Rivai, this event discussed the processing of plastic waste which is classified as low-value plastic as a material plastic asphalt mix. The implementation of the plastic asphalt program, one of which is through collaboration with ADUPI as the supplier of raw materials for chopped plastic waste. Regarding its implementation, one region that has successfully used plastic asphalt roads is Garut Regency. Collaborating with Chandra Asri and the Bakti Barito Foundation, the Garut Regency Government is committed to implementing a 50 km plastic asphalt road from 2022 to 2023.

14 - 02- 2023

14 - 02- 2023

Officially Operating, Two Electric Buses Become Shuttle Fleets for Chandra Asri's Employee

Officially Operating, Two Electric Buses Become Shuttle Fleets for Chandra Asri's Employee

Officially Operating, Two Electric Buses Become Shuttle Fleets for Chandra Asri's Employee

Beginning the year 2023, Chandra Asri marked a new milestone in protecting the environment by reducing emissions in the industrial transportation sector. On Tuesday (14/02), Chandra Asri officially started operating 2 (two) electric bus fleets from Mobil Anak Bangsa (MAB) through an inauguration ceremony, which was symbolically carried out by the Chairperson of the Indonesian Electric Vehicle Industry Association (Periklindo), General TNI (Retired) Dr. H. Moeldoko and President Director of Chandra Asri, Erwin Ciputra. This electric bus is a more efficient and environmentally friendly mobility option for employees' shuttle fleets.

Operating two electric bus fleets is calculated to cut diesel fuel consumption by up to 20,800 liters per year, equivalent to reducing emissions by up to 28.52 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2e) each year. The operation of electric buses also eliminates direct exhaust emissions, cuts the output of B3 waste in the form of used oil, and saves up to 621.5 Giga Joules of energy every year compared to diesel buses. In the future, Chandra Asri is also committed to gradually switching to electric vehicles to participate in the decarbonization process and the government's efforts to realize the target of reducing carbon emissions by 29 percent in 2030.

03 - 02- 2023

03 - 02- 2023

Chandra Asri and Sinarmas Land Continue Plastic to Food Program

Chandra Asri and Sinarmas Land Continue Plastic to Food Program

Chandra Asri and Sinarmas Land Continue Plastic to Food Program

With Sinarmas Land (SML), Chandra Asri continues the Plastic to Food partnership. This time Chandra Asri is collaborating with SML's subsidiary, PT Maligi Permata Industrial Estate (operator of the KIIC industrial area), which is located in Dusun Kiarajaya, Margamulya Village, Karawang Regency. This activity aims to encourage the segregation of waste from sources and be wise in managing waste, especially plastic waste.

Through this program, every kilogram of segregated plastic waste collected by residents can be exchanged for one kilogram of rice. Through the participation of 217 families from Dusun Kiarajaya, this program collected 500 kg of plastic waste within six months. The collected high-value plastic waste is then sold to recyclers, while the low-value plastic waste is further processed into plastic-based fuels equivalent to kerosene, diesel, and gasoline at the Chandra Asri Waste Management Facility, Industri Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu-Atasi Sampah, Kelola Mandiri (IPST ASARI).

16 - 01- 2023

16 - 01- 2023

Chandra Asri's Asrene®SP4808 is Officially Certified as SNI for Drinking Water Applications

Chandra Asri's Asrene®SP4808 is Officially Certified as SNI for Drinking Water Applications

Chandra Asri's Asrene®SP4808 is Officially Certified as SNI for Drinking Water Applications

Chandra Asri has received SNI 7593:2010 certification for the application of drinking water pipes for its resin, Asrene®SP4808 type High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE). With Asrene®SP4808 certification, Chandra Asri guarantees both the quality and feedstock supply in order to accelerate the development of drinking water supply systems. This is a form of support for the Government in realizing 30 percent access to drinking water in 2024 through the construction of drinking water supply infrastructure directly to homes via a pipeline system. The use of Asrene® SP4808 can also assist downstream industry partners in producing safe and standardized drinking water pipes in accordance with SNI 4829.1: 2015 requirements, the standard for HDPE pipes for drinking water pipe applications.

With its elastic characteristic, pipes from HDPE material can adapt to contours and land shifts, thereby minimizing the risk of leakage during an earthquake. Aside from that, Asrene®SP4808 is also an excellent material due to the best long-term strength in its class, with a PE 100 classification to produce pipes of high-quality standards. With this SNI certification, Chandra Asri also ensures that the health and safety aspects of the end user are protected because the resin has passed the heavy metal limit test.

13 - 01- 2023

13 - 01- 2023

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2023

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2023

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2023

On 12 January 2023, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) with a single agenda; Approval for Changes in the Composition of the Company's Management. The meeting which took place at Wisma Barito Pacific, Jakarta, was attended by the Board of Commissioners and Directors of Chandra Asri both in person and virtually. EGMS approved the appointment of Mr. Bandhit Thamprajamchit as Commissioner replacing Mr. Wirat Uanarumit and also the appointment of Mrs. Diana Arsiyanti as a member of the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Wirat Uanarumit and Mrs. Diana Arsiyanti officially served as members of the Company's Board of Commissioners as of the closing of the EGMS on that day until the closing of the Chandra Asri Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024.



04 - 01- 2023

04 - 01- 2023

Chandra Asri Signs Sale and Purchase Agreement of Krakatau Steel's Subsidiary Shares

Chandra Asri Signs Sale and Purchase Agreement of Krakatau Steel's Subsidiary Shares

Chandra Asri Signs Sale and Purchase Agreement of Krakatau Steel's Subsidiary Shares

Chandra Asri has signed a Conditional Shares Sale and Purchase Agreement (CSPA) and Shareholders Agreement (SHA) for two subsidiaries owned by PT Krakatau Sarana Infrastruktur (“PT KSI”), namely PT Krakatau Daya Listrik (“PT KDL ”) and PT Krakatau Tirta Industri (“PT KTI”). The signing of the CSPA and SHA was carried out by the Main Director of PT KSI, Agus Nizar Vidiansyah and the President Director of Chandra Asri, Erwin Ciputra, witnessed by the Main Director of PTKS, Silmy Karim.

 Chandra Asri is very excited to execute the “programmatic M&A” strategy to position the Company for profitable and sustainable business growth. In the CSPA, it was agreed that Chandra Asri will purchase 70% of PT KSI's shares in PT KDL and 49% of PT KSI's shares in PT KTI with a total value of IDR3.24 Trillion (or US$210 million). Chandra Asri hoped that the cooperation between Chandra Asri and PT KSI Group and PTKS could be better enhanced, and mutually support continuous industrial development in the future.

30 - 12- 2022

30 - 12- 2022

MoEF Announced PROPER 2022, Two Chandra Asri Plants Acquired Green Rating for the Second Time

MoEF Announced PROPER 2022, Two Chandra Asri Plants Acquired Green Rating for the Second Time

MoEF Announced PROPER 2022, Two Chandra Asri Plants Acquired Green Rating for the Second Time

Closing the year of 2022, the two Chandra Asri plants in Ciwandan and Puloampel were awarded the Green PROPER Award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia on Thursday, 29 December 2022. These two Chandra Asri plats were considered to exceed environmental management requirements, as well as contribute to community development and biodiversity around the Company's operational area.

The achievement of Green PROPER in 2022 marked the second time for Chandra Asri to receive the highest appreciation in environmental management. This award is also a form of the Company's commitment to sustainable business practices by implementing green energy. In the future, Chandra Asri will be committed to maintaining its achievements in minimizing environmental impacts and continuing to make process improvements to realize a sustainable petrochemical business.

09 - 12- 2022

09 - 12- 2022

Chandra Asri Won Gold Achievement at OPEXCON Award 2022

Chandra Asri Won Gold Achievement at OPEXCON Award 2022

Chandra Asri Won Gold Achievement at OPEXCON Award 2022

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk won Gold Achievement in the 2022 OPEXCON Award organized by SHIFT Indonesia at Pullman Jakarta Central Park. In the 10th year of Chandra Asri's participation, the Company has managed to maintain its Gold Achievement title in the Manufacturing category for the third year running. This is an ocular proof of Chandra Asri's commitment to continue to innovate and implement continuous improvements to create a sustainable business. Apart from Gold Achievements, Chandra Asri also received a Bronze Achievements for other project.

OPEXCON is a competition initiated by SHIFT Indonesia to invite companies in Indonesia to pay more attention to the importance of innovation and improvement for the future of business. Winners are judged based on project selection, project methodology, problem analysis, solutions, and presentation skills. Of the 100 participants, Chandra Asri was chosen as one of the 10 finalists who were entitled to be awarded the Gold Achievement.

07 - 12- 2022

07 - 12- 2022

100 Chandra Asri Employees Planted Trees at Taman Kehati Kampung 165 Banten

100 Chandra Asri Employees Planted Trees at Taman Kehati Kampung 165 Banten

100 Chandra Asri Employees Planted Trees at Taman Kehati Kampung 165 Banten

To commemorate National Tree Planting Day, which falls every November 28, one hundred Chandra Asri volunteers planted trees in Kehati Village 165 Park, Kadubeureum Village, Padarincang, Banten. This planting procession is in collaboration with the Kehati Cikalumpang Foundation and was attended by representatives of the Serang Regency Environmental Service (DLH), representatives of the Serang Regency Environment and Sanitation Service (DLHK) Seed Center, and Chandra Asri's management.

In commemoration of this National Tree Planting Day, Chandra Asri planted a total of 450 tree seedlings, 200 seeds were planted at Kehati Village 165 Park, and another 250 tree seeds were distributed to Taman Kehati Asri owned by Chandra Asri. On the same occasion, the Head of DLH Serang Regency presented an award to Chandra Asri for planting 2,000 tree seedlings and the company's commitment to protecting biodiversity in the Kehati Barokah Park, Kadubeureum Village, Serang Regency.

30 - 11- 2022

30 - 11- 2022

Consistently Maintain Quality Standards, Chandra Asri Won The Highest Platinum Award at the SNI Award 2022

Consistently Maintain Quality Standards, Chandra Asri Won The Highest Platinum Award at the SNI Award 2022

Consistently Maintain Quality Standards, Chandra Asri Won The Highest Platinum Award at the SNI Award 2022

Chandra Asri won the Gold/Platinum award in the SNI Award 2022, organized by the National Standardization Agency (BSN). Chandra Asri's achievement as the awardee of Major Goods Organizations in the Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Textile, and Mining Sectors was due to the Company's commitment to implementing the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for the quality and standards of its products.

In its business operations, Chandra Asri carries out strict quality control to ensure the production process and product quality are always at their best performance. Chandra Asri has also obtained SNI 8887:2020 certification for gas pipe raw materials this year. The existence of SNI products will make it easier for consumers to choose quality products that are safe for health and the environment.