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15 - 07- 2022

15 - 07- 2022

ANNOUNCEMENT: Clarification of False Information on Employee Housing Development, Claiming on Behalf of Chandra Asri

ANNOUNCEMENT: Clarification of False Information on Employee Housing Development, Claiming on Behalf of Chandra Asri

ANNOUNCEMENT: Clarification of False Information on Employee Housing Development, Claiming on Behalf of Chandra Asri

We recently learned that a fake agreement letter was circulating regarding the implementation of PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (Chandra Asri) Employee Housing Development carried out by PT. Agung Sari Pratama.

We, on behalf of Chandra Asri, hereby convey that we have never appointed any party to work on Employee Housing Development and we have also never signed any agreement or commitment in this regard.

We urge the public to be careful and be aware of any efforts of fraud in the form of offers of investment or cooperation in house construction projects claiming on behalf of Chandra Asri.

We highly appreciated your cooperation for this matters so that no party is harmed by this false information. If you received this kind of suspicious information, please make sure to confirm it to Mr. Wawan Mulyana, our Community Relations Manager, email

14 - 07- 2022

14 - 07- 2022

Supported by Chandra Asri, Sinar Mas Land Continue to Developing Infrastructure Using Plastic Waste Mixed Asphalt

Supported by Chandra Asri, Sinar Mas Land Continue to Developing Infrastructure Using Plastic Waste Mixed Asphalt

Supported by Chandra Asri, Sinar Mas Land Continue to Developing Infrastructure Using Plastic Waste Mixed Asphalt

Sinar Mas Land has again collaborated with Chandra Asri for the application of plastic waste mixed asphalt. Marked by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement on Wednesday (13/07), Sinar Mas Land will apply 3.8 km or 56,138 m2 of plastic asphalt in the BSD City area. The signing was represented by FX Sidi Widagdo as proxy for the Board of Directors of PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk and Edi Rivai as The Director of Legal, External Affairs & Circular Economy Chandra Asri.

One of the elements that is also a part of Sinar Mas Land main concern is sustainable and environmentally sound development. One of the efforts has been carried out by Sinar Mas Land together with Chandra Asri who played an active role in encouraging the use of plastic waste mixed asphalt on a national scale. Chandra Asri's Director of Legal, External Affairs & Circular Economy, Edi Rivai, stated that Chandra Asri will continue to proactively encourage multi-stakeholder partnerships in the development of plastic asphalt as an effort to overcome waste problems, especially plastic waste, in Indonesia.

07 - 07- 2022

07 - 07- 2022

Facilitating Domestic Petrochemical Industry Growth, OCBC NISP and Chandra Asri Sign US$100 Million Loan Facility

Facilitating Domestic Petrochemical Industry Growth, OCBC NISP and Chandra Asri Sign US$100 Million Loan Facility

Facilitating Domestic Petrochemical Industry Growth, OCBC NISP and Chandra Asri Sign US$100 Million Loan Facility

Bank OCBC NISP has partnered with PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (Chandra Asri) to complete a US$100 million 10-year term loan facility. This loan facility is OCBC NISP's commitment in facilitating the growth of the Indonesian petrochemical industry business as well as maintaining Chandra Asri's position as the largest integrated petrochemical producer in Indonesia.

Chandra Asri is excited and open to partner for a long term with OCBC NISP which is a leading financial institution in providing comprehensive banking solutions for its customers. This strategic cooperation is a good start for both parties in reducing Indonesia's dependence on imports, develop the local petrochemical downstream industry, support the government's vision for Industry 4.0, and create a long term, high-value career.

28 - 06- 2022

28 - 06- 2022

Chandra Asri Held Socialization on Waste Management and Disaster Emergency Response to Mangunreja Residents

Chandra Asri Held Socialization on Waste Management and Disaster Emergency Response to Mangunreja Residents

Chandra Asri Held Socialization on Waste Management and Disaster Emergency Response to Mangunreja Residents

In an effort to increase public awareness regarding environment, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (Chandra Asri) on Tuesday, 21 June 21 2022 carried out waste management and disaster response socialization in Mangunreja Village, Puloampel District, Serang Regency, Banten. On this occasion, Chandra Asri's Emergency Response Team (ERT) presented material related to disaster management response and Chandra Asri's CSR team gave education regarding waste sorting and collection.

Through the CSR team’s presentation, participants were educated about 7 RIC (Resin Identification Code) codes; symbols that distinguish types of plastic waste for easier recycling process. Participants were also introduced to Plas Kerosene which can be obtained by exchanging plastic waste at IPST Asari.

This activity, which was attended by village officials and residents of Mangunreja Village, is a continuation of waste sorting programs that have been ongoing since 2021. Previously, similar activities had been carried out by residents of Cibaga Village through the Kelompok Pengumpul Sampah (Garbage Collector Group). Through this program, Chandra Asri hopes that Mangunreja residents will have new paradigm regarding waste management and are ready to face emergency situations.

27 - 06- 2022

27 - 06- 2022

Coral Reef Rehabilitation Program by Chandra Asri and Kelompok Konservasi Alam Bawah Laut Shows Growth

Coral Reef Rehabilitation Program by Chandra Asri and Kelompok Konservasi Alam Bawah Laut Shows Growth

Coral Reef Rehabilitation Program by Chandra Asri and Kelompok Konservasi Alam Bawah Laut Shows Growth

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (Chandra Asri) along with Kelompok Konservasi Alam Bawah Laut (Underwater Nature Conservation Group) of Sukaram Village carry out efforts to rehabilitate coral reef ecosystems in the North Pulo Panjang area through coral reef transplantation. To monitor the progress of the rehabilitation, Chandra Asri conducted monitoring on Saturday, 11 June 2022, attended by the Banten Provinve Environment and Forestry Service.. The growth of the first stage of transplantation reaching 0.022 cm/day or 0.669 cm/month and the second stage is 0.028 cm/day or 0.853 cm/month. The assumed annual growth in stage one transplantation is about 8.03 cm/year, while in stage two it is around 10.24 cm/year. The survival rate of coral reefs in both stages of the transplant is 100%.

This coral reef rehabilitation program with a total transplant of 1,270 substrates is aimed to repair the damaged shelves. Throughout 2022, the monitoring is scheduled for three times. Coral transplants made as Artificial Coral Reef have become a living habitat for associated biota, both as a home for coral reef biota, a shelter for baby fish (nursery ground), as well as a habitat for big fish and various megabenthos.

23 - 06- 2022

23 - 06- 2022

Chandra Asri Participated in National Waste Awareness Festival 2022

Chandra Asri Participated in National Waste Awareness Festival 2022

Chandra Asri Participated in National Waste Awareness Festival 2022

Chandra Asri participated in Festival Peduli Sampah Nasional (National Waste Awareness Festival), organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) on 14-17 June 2022, at the Manggala Wanabakti Building, Jakarta. In line with the festival agenda to commemorate World Environment Day, Chandra Asri displayed the Company's achievements in implementing circular economy to solve waste problems in Indonesia, especially plastic waste.

Edi Rivai as the Director of Legal and External Affairs, congratulated on the success of 2022 National Waste Awareness Festival. On the same occasion, Nicko Setyabudi as Circular Economy Senior Specialist of Chandra Asri delivered a presentation titled “Circular Economy in Packaging Waste and Low Carbon Waste Transporters”. The presentation showcased circular economy concept as the solution for national waste issue.

This series of event had successfully gathered policy makers for ideas exchange and encouraged collaboration to strengthen circular economy in Indonesia.

13 - 06- 2022

13 - 06- 2022

Community Awareness Activities on Biodiversity and Fire Extinguishing

Community Awareness Activities on Biodiversity and Fire Extinguishing

Community Awareness Activities on Biodiversity and Fire Extinguishing

Chandra Asri held the 2nd Community Awareness activity in 2022 as an effort to increase the effectiveness of disaster management and minimize accidents, especially in the Company's pipelines. The activity also educates the community about Biodiversity and Family Medicinal Plants (Toga), presented by the SHE Department. In addition, the Fire Department also gave explanation on how to use fire extinguishers and blankets or wet cloths to the people of Kampung Gambiran, Kelurahan Gunung Sugih.

The District Leaders Coordination Forum (Forkopimcam) represented by Wadanramil, Wakapolsek, and staff from Ciwandan District also expressed their support for the event. On the same occasion, Wakapolsek Ciwandan gave a brief explanation on oil and gas business permits from upstream to downstream and the function of the National Police in enforcing the law to business actors.

02 - 06- 2022

02 - 06- 2022

Reduce Methane Hazards Through the Help of Organic Waste Crushing Machines

Reduce Methane Hazards Through the Help of Organic Waste Crushing Machines

Reduce Methane Hazards Through the Help of Organic Waste Crushing Machines

Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk contributed to providing organic chopping machines with a capacity of 100kg/hour to PT Putri Banten Progressive as Chandra Asri's canteen vendor partner to manage leftover food from the Ciwandan Site canteen. As a form of circular economy, the leftover food will be processed into maggot using the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) method, the results of which can be reused as animal feed.

The handover of the organic chopping machine was carried out on 23 May 2022. In addition, the event was also followed by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between Chandra Asri and Putri Banten. The provision of the organic waste shredder is a program from Chandra Asri to prevent organic waste from being dumped into the Bagendung landfill, in order to reduce CO² gas emissions from organic waste which can produce methane emissions that are much more dangerous than CO² gas.

02 - 06- 2022

02 - 06- 2022

Bridge Construction in Lebak Regency to Eradicate Isolation

Bridge Construction in Lebak Regency to Eradicate Isolation

Bridge Construction in Lebak Regency to Eradicate Isolation

On 25 May 2022, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk together with Yayasan Relawan Kampung and the Lebak Regency Government inaugurated a suspension bridge in Ciodeng Village, Pondok Panjang Village, Cihara District, Lebak Regency. This bridge is an access link connecting Pulo Panjang Village in Cihara District with Keursaratu Village in Malingping District, Lebak Regency.

Chandra Asri realizes how important it is to have a bridge in a remote village so that it is free from isolation and drives the community's economy. With the construction of this bridge, the community will have alternative roads to facilitate access to health, education, and economic services centered in Cihara and Malingping. Chandra Asri has built 5 (five) bridges in Banten Province, and three of them are in Lebak Regency. This bridge construction program has become the company's commitment to continue to be a growth partner for the community, especially in Banten Province.

17 - 05- 2022

17 - 05- 2022

Ready to Support the Government's Target to Build 4 Million Gas Pipe Connections for Households in 2024, Chandra Asri Obtains SNI Certification for Gas Pipeline Applications

Ready to Support the Government's Target to Build 4 Million Gas Pipe Connections for Households in 2024, Chandra Asri Obtains SNI Certification for Gas Pipeline Applications

Ready to Support the Government's Target to Build 4 Million Gas Pipe Connections for Households in 2024, Chandra Asri Obtains SNI Certification for Gas Pipeline Applications

Chandra Asri has obtained SNI 8887:2020 certification, a standard for gas pipe application raw materials for High Density Polypropylene (HDPE) products, Asrene® SP4808. Through this product, Chandra Asri is committed to supporting the Government's target in building natural gas distribution grid (jargas) for 4 million household connections by 2024. Chandra Asri's Asrene®SP4808 is a material that has the best long-term strength in its class with a classification of PE 100; better than the type of material commonly used for gas pipe applications, PE 80.

The use of Asrene® SP4808 for gas pipeline applications can also increase domestic components level (TKDN), given that the raw materials used for gas grid projects are 100% imports. Therefore, the Asrene® SP4808 product can be a solution from both technical and commercial perspective to help the national strategic program, jargas for the people, comes true.