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10 - 01- 2022

10 - 01- 2022

COVID-19 Vaccination Program for Children by Chandra Asri

COVID-19 Vaccination Program for Children by Chandra Asri

COVID-19 Vaccination Program for Children by Chandra Asri

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held a COVID-19 vaccination program for children aged 6-11 years in Jakarta from 10 to 14 January 2022. The vaccination program which is also intended for adults and the elderly is in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, West Jakarta City Government, Lions Club International, and ABUPI with a vaccination target of 5,000 people.

This activity is Chandra Asri's contribution in assisting the DKI Jakarta government's program to accelerate vaccination for residents start from children to the elderly to immediately achieve herd immunity among the community.

03 - 01- 2022

03 - 01- 2022

Chandra Asri and BRI Sign a Credit Facility of USD 325 Million

Chandra Asri and BRI Sign a Credit Facility of USD 325 Million

Chandra Asri and BRI Sign a Credit Facility of USD 325 Million

On 3 January 2022, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI) sign a credit facility agreement worth a total of USD 325 million consisting of a Term Loan facility of USD 75 million, Trade Line facilities of USD 175 million, and Forex Line of USD 75 million. The signing was held by BRI's Wholesale and Institutional Business Director, Agus Noorsanto, and Director of Finance & Chief Financial Officer of Chandra Asri, Andre Khor along with the Director of Human Resources & Corporate Affairs of Chandra Asri, Suryandi.

This partnership is the first step in business development, increasing capital strength, and expanding Chandra Asri's market access in Indonesia and internationally. Furthermore, this collaboration is expected to encourage the development of CAP2 which can reduce Indonesia's dependence on imports and create new jobs.

30 - 12- 2021

30 - 12- 2021

Nutrition Improvement Program for Toddlers and Pregnant Women in Cilegon City and Serang Regency

Nutrition Improvement Program for Toddlers and Pregnant Women in Cilegon City and Serang Regency

Nutrition Improvement Program for Toddlers and Pregnant Women in Cilegon City and Serang Regency

To improve the quality of public health, especially for toddlers and pregnant women around the plant area, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held a Nutrition Post (Pos Gizi) program which has been carried out from September 2021 until the end of December 2021. In this third year, four locations of Health Center were selected for program implementation.

The total beneficiaries of this program are 54 toddlers and 20 pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency. Activities carried out for approximately three months include initial nutrition screening, psychological examination, examination by Pediatrician in collaboration with RSUD Cilegon, monitoring of nutritional status, examination of General Practitioners, and Counseling of Nutritionists. This activity is also complemented by a series of parenting agendas as well as a balanced nutritious food that has been specially prepared by each health center. After the program closes, Nutrition Post participants are monitored on an ongoing basis in collaboration with nutrition officers at the sub-district health center to ensure that nutrition improvements are carried out consistently.

28 - 12- 2021

28 - 12- 2021

Chandra Asri Wins 2021 Green PROPER from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Chandra Asri Wins 2021 Green PROPER from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Chandra Asri Wins 2021 Green PROPER from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry

On 28 December 2021, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk awarded Green PROPER (Company Performance Rating Assessment Program in Environmental Management) for both of its plants in Puloampel and Ciwandan. The annual award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) was presented online by Vice President K.H. Ma'ruf Amin and Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar live from the Vice-Presidential Palace in Jakarta. This award was the result of the hard work of all Chandra Asri employees in carrying out the Company's commitment to environmental management and its contribution to community development.

In performing its corporate responsibility as an integrated petrochemical producer, Chandra Asri is committed to the three principles of People, Planet, Profit by adopting an Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) approach. Chandra Asri continues to make process improvements, technology investments and competency enhancements for its human capital to ensure the Company's business has the least impact on the environment.

21 - 12- 2021

21 - 12- 2021

Planting 600 Trees in Commemoration of World Tree Day

Planting 600 Trees in Commemoration of World Tree Day

Planting 600 Trees in Commemoration of World Tree Day

Commemorating World Tree Day, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk collaborated with the Kehati Cikalumpang Foundation in planting 600 trees on 21 December 2021. The Company distributed 300 trees that were planted in the Kehati Leuwibumi Park, Padarincang District, Serang Regency. In addition, as many as 300 other trees were planted in the Company's Kehati Park in Pasirceuri Village, Kadubeureum Village. Types of plants given consist of categories of productive, endemic, and rare plants and carbon-reducing plants.

In addition, Chandra Asri has also implemented an environmental service scheme for water in the Cidanau watershed area for an area of 25 hectares by maintaining 12,500 plant stands. The implementation of this environmental service has been carried out since 2016 in collaboration with the Cidanau Watershed Communication Forum (FKDC). This series of activities is a manifestation of the Company's concern for the environment to restraint the rate of deforestation, as well as efforts to reduce the carbon footprint.

20 - 12- 2021

20 - 12- 2021

Clean Water Access and Sustainable Sanitation for Communities Around Chandra Asri’s Plant

Clean Water Access and Sustainable Sanitation for Communities Around Chandra Asri’s Plant

Clean Water Access and Sustainable Sanitation for Communities Around Chandra Asri’s Plant

As its contribution to ensuring the availability and sustainable management of clean water and sanitation, on 20 December 2021, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk collaborated with Cilegon Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR) in the construction of a healthy and environmentally friendly toilet for 20 families in Nagreg Village, Kepuh Village, and Kampung Cigobang, Randakari Village. In addition, Chandra Asri also provides access to clean water for people in Gambiran Village, Gunung Sugih and Pakijingan Village in Bandulu, Anyer.

This toilet facility uses a bio-septic tank which is more environmentally friendly. This bio-septic tank is a collaboration between Chandra Asri and PT Profilia Indotech which uses Chandra Asri's raw material, namely PE UR3840V. With the development of clean water access and sustainable sanitation, the community is expected to be able to implement clean and healthy living behaviors.

07 - 12- 2021

07 - 12- 2021

Livestock Program for Sustainable Economic for the Communities Around the Company

Livestock Program for Sustainable Economic for the Communities Around the Company

Livestock Program for Sustainable Economic for the Communities Around the Company

On 7 December 2021, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held a launch event for the Livestock Program for Sustainable Economic Independence in collaboration with the Villa Ternak Foundation. This program is Chandra Asri's effort to accelerate economic recovery due to the pandemic, especially for the community around the company. This program covers how to raise sheep and opportunities for economic development.

This program was also appreciated by the Head of the Cilegon City Food and Agriculture Security Service (DKPP), Eva Sarifah, and the Serang Regency Agriculture Service Head, Zaldi Dhuhana, who were also present on the occasion. This training event was attended by 52 people from Gunung Sugih, Anyer, Kosambironyok, and Grogol Indah villages, sending 13 participants each. Also, there is a breeding of 100 sheep which will be distributed to each village. The participants will be provided with how to raise sheep including how to make animal feed.

07 - 12- 2021

07 - 12- 2021

Gold and Bronze Achievement at OPEXCON 2021

Gold and Bronze Achievement at OPEXCON 2021

Gold and Bronze Achievement at OPEXCON 2021

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk has won Gold Achievement through SGA Kolimator and Bronze Achievement through SGA Delta Force at OPEXCON 2021. This award was presented virtually at the OPEXCON Awards 2021 event on 7 December 2021. Indonesia Operational Excellence Conference and Award or OPEXCON is an annual conference organized by SHIFT Indonesia, the main reference media in the field of operational excellence. In 2021,

Under the OPEXCON theme of “Strengthening Business Resilience through Operational Excellence”, SGA Chandra Asri Kolimator from PP Lab Technician raised the title “Elimination of WDXRF (Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence) breakdown due to High Vacuum from 3 to 0 Cases per Year in 6 Months”. Meanwhile, SGA Chandra Asri Delta Force from Styrene Plant Engineer raised the title “Reducing Idle Cost of Plant Styrene No.1 (PS1) from 81,587 to 70,169 USD/Month for 8 Months”. Obtaining this award certainly has a positive impact on the company and its employees, especially in the midst of the pandemic to continue to make improvements in all sectors.

06 - 12- 2021

06 - 12- 2021

Company Visit of Commission VII DPR RI and the Ministry of Industry to Chandra Asri Plant

Company Visit of Commission VII DPR RI and the Ministry of Industry to Chandra Asri Plant

Company Visit of Commission VII DPR RI and the Ministry of Industry to Chandra Asri Plant

On 6 December 2021, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk welcomed the visit of Commission VII DPR RI and the Ministry of Industry to the Chandra Asri Petrochemical Complex in Cilegon, Banten. On this occasion, Chandra Asri introduced a number of the company's operational activities. This includes production activities, the application of industry 4.0 through the 2019-2023 Digital Transformation Roadmap, and the application of the green industry in the company environment. As one of the National Vital Objects, Chandra Asri is always committed to continuing to increase production capacity to support the government and domestic industry in reducing dependence on imports of petrochemical products.

06 - 12- 2021

06 - 12- 2021

Chandra Asri Wins 2 Awards at Once for its Contribution to the Environment and Society

Chandra Asri Wins 2 Awards at Once for its Contribution to the Environment and Society

Chandra Asri Wins 2 Awards at Once for its Contribution to the Environment and Society

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk continues to strive to provide solutions that contribute to social and environmental problems, especially regarding waste, health, and nature conservation as well as in the prevention of COVID-19 and economic recovery. This positive contribution received two awards, including the 2021 Green Industry award and the Main Award in the 2021 IDX Channel CSR Award.

Chandra Asri through the Ciwandan and Puloampel sites won the 2021 Level 5 (Best) Green Industry award which was handed over by the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita. This award is a manifestation of Chandra Asri's commitment to supporting sustainable development goals (SDGs) which are in line with the commitments of the Indonesian Government.

Another award was the Main Award in the 2021 IDX Channel CSR Award by IDX Channel for its contribution to overcoming COVID-19 and economic recovery through plastic waste management with the principles of a circular economy and community empowerment.