Chandra Asri Group is again holding the Aksi Asri Operasi Semut in Kota Tua Jakarta, an iconic historical tourist destination in Jakarta. The Asri Semut Operation Vol.5 action was attended by 33 volunteers consisting of the general public and employees. In this fifth activity, 24 kilograms of waste were collected, consisting of 4 kilograms of organic waste, 12.5 kilograms of plastic waste, 3.5 kilograms of paper waste and 4 kilograms of other waste. The collected waste is then handed over to the waste management facility managed by the Kota Tua Area Management Unit (UPK) for further management.
It is hoped that the presence of the Asri Operation Semut Action will be able to help the community build new habits in waste management, starting from simple steps such as sorting waste according to type before throwing it away. This activity is also expected to increase public awareness regarding the positive impacts of waste sorting, such as plastic waste which can be further utilized if it is sorted properly.
Chandra Asri Group shares are included in the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Global Standard Index for Emerging Markets, based on a quarterly publication published in London on May 14 2024. Chandra Asri Group's inclusion is effective at market close on May 31 2024.
This achievement reflects Chandra Asri Group's consistent performance as well as strong market capitalization and liquidity, in line with MSCI's strict inclusion criteria. MSCI recognized Chandra Asri Group's impressive market capitalization and free float-adjusted market capitalization, which met the index threshold. This inclusion confirms Chandra Asri Group's position as a major player in the global chemical and infrastructure industry.
PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (Chandra Asri Group), a leading chemical and infrastructure solutions company in Indonesia, is undergoing Turnaround Maintenance (TAM) or scheduled facility maintenance for its petrochemical plant located in Ciwandan, Cilegon City, Banten. This maintenance process began on May 7, 2024, and is expected to last approximately 55 days.
This TAM activity is also including the integration of new facilities with existing ones to support the Company's future expansion and business development plans, thereby strengthening the self-sufficiency of the domestic industry. Additionally, several sustainability initiatives are implemented during this TAM, one of which is the utilization of renewable energy through the installation of the third phase of the solar rooftop. This demonstrates the Company's commitment to maintaining operational sustainability and energy efficiency
PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (“Chandra Asri Group) and Glencore plc (“Glencore”), one of the world’s leading natural resources companies, have entered into a Sales and Purchase Agreement with Shell Singapore Pte. Ltd. (“SSPL”) to acquire all its interest in the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Singapore (“SECP”).
Following a competitive auction process, CAPGC Pte. Ltd. (“CAPGC”), a joint venture that is majority-owned and operated by Chandra Asri Group and minority-owned by Glencore through their respective subsidiary companies, agreed to acquire SECP which comprises a refinery with processing capacity of 237,000 barrels per day of crude oil, a 1.1 million metric ton per annum ethylene cracker on Bukom island, and downstream chemical assets on Jurong Island.
Pada Rabu, 8 Mei 2024 Chandra Asri menyelenggarakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) 2023 di Jakarta. Dalam agenda Rapat tahunan ini terdapat 9 (sembilan) mata acara yang dibahas, diantaranya mengenai pembagian dividen, pengembangan bisnis, dan perubahan susunan pengurus Perseroan.
Rapat menyetujui pembagian dividen tunai dengan menggunakan bagian dana dari Laba Ditahan 2021. Rapat juga membahas studi kelayakan atas rencana penambahan kegiatan usaha pembuatan Bag Film Roll serta pemisahan unit kepelabuhanan laut, dermaga dan fasilitas penyimpanan kepada anak perusahaan yang 99,99% sahamnya dimiliki oleh Perseroan, yakni PT Chandra Pelabuhan Nusantara (CPAT).
Chandra Asri Group, along with the Cilegon City Government and the Cilegon City Environmental Agency, has implemented a 146 meters long Plastic Asphalt Road in the Bagendung Final Waste Disposal Site (TPSA) area. This initiative successfully managed 280 thousand sheets of plastic bags collected during the "Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional 2024 Kota Cilegon " event.
Previously, in 2019, Chandra Asri Group and the Cilegon City Government had also completed a 20.2 km road at 36 locations in Cilegon City. Collaboration with the Cilegon City Government in the implementation of plastic asphalt roads will support sustainable waste management in this city.
Chandra Asri Group successfully received three awards at the 16th Annual GLOBAL CSR & ESG SUMMIT AND AWARDS 2024™ organized by The Pinnacle Group International in Hanoi, Vietnam on April 25, 2024. The three award categories won by Chandra Asri Group were the Best CSR & ESG Leadership Award – Platinum Category; Best Community Programme Award – Gold Category; and Best Environmental Excellence Award – Silver Category.
The Global CSR & ESG Summit and Awards 2024™ is the most prestigious CSR and ESG award program in Asia, which has been held since 2008. With the theme "Generating Meaningful Impact, Unlocking Value" this year, the event emphasizes the importance of real and sustainable impact in CSR and ESG practices, through revolutionary strategies, cutting-edge solutions, and collaborative initiatives expected to shape an innovative and sustainable future for CSR and ESG.
PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (Chandra Asri Group) once again provides support to the Mudik Gratis Penuh Berkah Program initiated by the Cilegon City Government. This year, Chandra Asri Group provides support with 3 bus fleets for the routes to Semarang, Solo, and Cirebon. With the company's support, the free homecoming provided by Chandra Asri Group for the people of Cilegon is expected to facilitate participants in celebrating Eid moments with their families in their hometowns.
The joint homecoming departure ceremony took place on Friday, April 5, 2024. Meanwhile, registration for the 2024 Blessing-filled Free Homecoming Program itself was conducted on March 30-31, 2024. A number of free buses supported by industries in Cilegon departed carrying a total of 1,800 residents with Cilegon ID cards to 19 destination cities covering 6 provinces, namely West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Sumatra, Lampung, and West Sumatra.
Chandra Asri Group has signed a memorandum of understanding with Perum Jasa Tirta II (PJT II) to conduct a feasibility study on the potential of green energy through the development of Solar Power Plants (PLTS) and Hydropower Plants (PLTA). This research aims to promote the implementation of Renewable Energy and support Indonesia's target to achieve Net Zero Emissions by 2060.
The energy from these facilities will be distributed, one of which, to the world-class Chlor-Alkali and Ethylene Dichloride (CA-EDC) Plant currently being developed by Chandra Asri Group, with a total electricity capacity requirement of 340 MW. In addition to power generation, this study will also explore the potential development of a Clean Water Supply System in collaboration with Chandra Asri Group.
Chandra Asri Group and BCI Minerals Limited (“BCI”) are pleased to announce the signing of a binding Offtake Agreement. Chandra Asri will use the salt produced at the Mardie Project in the world-scale Chlor-Alkali plant currently being developed in Indonesia. The Offtake Agreement with BCI is for the supply of salt from BCI’s Mardie Salt Project over a three-year term, with Chandra Asri having the right to extend the term for a further 3 years’ subject to certain conditions being met.