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27 - 02- 2019

27 - 02- 2019

Disaster Response Training for Students of Cilegon’s Junior High School 9

Disaster Response Training for Students of Cilegon’s Junior High School 9

Disaster Response Training for Students of Cilegon’s Junior High School 9

On 27 February 2019, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held tsunami evacuation drill in Cilegon’s Junior High School 9, which located on Ciwandan District, Cilegon and only 1 kilometer away from Anyer coastline. The location of Cilegon’s Junior High School 9 that is bordering with the shore, makes the socialization of disaster preparedness, especially tsunami, very important for the academic civitas. The simulation began with fundamental training and ended with a drill of 500 meter evacuation route from the school. Through this simulation, the students are expected to disseminate the information to surrounding communities, especially those who reside near the coastline, thus they will be more aware of what should be done in the time of tsunami.

11 - 02- 2019

11 - 02- 2019

Inauguration of PAUD Widuri, a Cooperation of Chandra Asri and Happy Hearts Indonesia

Inauguration of PAUD Widuri, a Cooperation of Chandra Asri and Happy Hearts Indonesia

Inauguration of PAUD Widuri, a Cooperation of Chandra Asri and Happy Hearts Indonesia

On 11 February 2019, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk, with Happy Hearts Indonesia inaugurated PAUD Widuri that is located in Kubangsari, Ciwandan District, CIlegon, Banten. PAUD Widuri was inaugurated by Chandra Asri Manufacturing Director, Bapak Somkoun Sriwattagaphong and Happy Hearts Indonesia Development Director, Bapak Lusman Yunarto. PAUD Widuri, is one of Chandra Asri CSR program beneficiaries in education pillar. Prior to the renovation, PAUD Widuri was located on one of the resident’s backyard with no proper infrastructure to support the education.

Now PAUD Widuri has its own building with two comfortable classrooms, infrastructures and playing area for the children. These infrastructures are expected to be able to cater cheerful and creative childhood, thus it leaves good memory on how fun learning could be and in the latter, children from PAUD Widuri could share the same trait of eager and love to learn. 

12 - 01- 2019

12 - 01- 2019

CAP Collaborates with BNPB, Promotes Disaster Mitigation

CAP Collaborates with BNPB, Promotes Disaster Mitigation

CAP Collaborates with BNPB, Promotes Disaster Mitigation

On 12 January 2019, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held socialization related to natural disasters handling, attended by Head of BNPB, TNI Lieutenant General Doni Monardo, to deliver the information on the importance of disaster mitigation education, especially earthquakes and tsunamis that are prone Banten’s Sunda Strait region. The disaster mitigation socialization was also attended by the Head of BMKG, Director General of Cipta Karya PUPR, Head of Center for PVMBG, Deputy 1,2, and 3 BNPB, Echelon 1 Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, KKP, LIPPI, BPPT, local Wantanas Forkompimda.

On this occasion, several topics related to natural disasters handlingwas also delivered by various experts, ranging from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency, the National Disaster Management Agency, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Hydro-Oceanographic Center of the Indonesian Navy and the Geological Agency with each of them provides synergistic presentation in accordance with the field. The synergy of various parties is important to do thus industrial area is more prepared with natural disasters.

08 - 01- 2019

08 - 01- 2019

Chandra Asri Petrochemical Distributes Humanitarian Aid for Sunda Strait Tsunami Survivors through Cilegon City Government and Indonesian Red Cross

Chandra Asri Petrochemical Distributes Humanitarian Aid for Sunda Strait Tsunami Survivors through Cilegon City Government and Indonesian Red Cross

Chandra Asri Petrochemical Distributes Humanitarian Aid for Sunda Strait Tsunami Survivors through Cilegon City Government and Indonesian Red Cross

On 8 January 2019, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (CAP) distributes humanitarian aid to Cilegon City Government and Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) for Kabupaten Pandeglang following the Sunda Strait tsunami in last year’s December. These aids are being handed-over directly to Acting Mayor of Cilegon, Drs. H. Edi Ariadi, M.Si in his office and witnessed by various stakeholders from Cilegon.

Humanitarian aid for people impacted will divided through two phase, Initial phase and long-term phase. The initial phase or emergency phase are channeled through Cilegon City Government and Indonesian Red Cross, by focusing to cater the pressing needs first. The long-term phase would be under the recovery process, where CAP will cooperate with Habitat for Humanity to build temporary shelter and sanitary facilities such are toilet and bathroom.

24 - 12- 2018

24 - 12- 2018

Chandra Asri Provide Donation to Anyer and Banten Tsunami Victims

Chandra Asri Provide Donation to Anyer and Banten Tsunami Victims

Chandra Asri Provide Donation to Anyer and Banten Tsunami Victims

On 22 December 2018, tsunami hit the coastal region of Anyer and Banten. In response to the disaster, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk's employees swiftly collect donations to support pressing needs in the impacted area. The CSR team went directly to impacted locations, assessed the tsunami’s survivor needs, distribute staple needs such are food, hygiene kit, baby and toddler needs and medicines. Hoped this assistance can ease the burden and provide support to help the Anyer and Banten civilians reorganize their life after this disaster.

23 - 12- 2018

23 - 12- 2018

SMI Obtained Green Category of PROPER 2018

SMI Obtained Green Category of PROPER 2018

SMI Obtained Green Category of PROPER 2018

On 27 December 2018 PT Styrindo Mono Indonesia (SMI), a subsidiary of PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk, received Green category for Corporate Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management (PROPER) in Bidakara, Jakarta. This award was handed-over by Ibu Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia to Bapak Syafri Rustam, GM Styrene Production SMI. The green category of PROPER received by SMI is an improvement from Blue category attained in 2017. This year PROPER evaluation resulted with 155 out of 1906 companies awarded with green category. SMI will continue to maintain and improve this achievement and committed to preserve environment through water conservation, energy efficiency, emission reduction, waste management and further contribute to biodiversity.

23 - 12- 2018

23 - 12- 2018

Chandra Asri Petrochemical’s Plant is Operating Normally After The Tsunami in Anyer

Chandra Asri Petrochemical’s Plant is Operating Normally After The Tsunami in Anyer

Chandra Asri Petrochemical’s Plant is Operating Normally After The Tsunami in Anyer

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk would like to extend the deepest condolences to those affected by the tsunami which occured in Anyer and Lampung, on Saturday, 22 December 2018, at 21.27 local time. The company would like to let you know that the plant is operating as normal. Some of the plant facilities sustained a minor injury.
There is no casualty or injury to our employees. As of now, the company continues to gather information of all employees and monitor the development in the plant and the immediate areas.
The company is committed to help those affected in Anyer to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of the disaster. Sending prayers for all of us.

21 - 12- 2018

21 - 12- 2018

Chandra Asri’s School Assistance Wins National Adiwiyata 2018

Chandra Asri’s School Assistance Wins National Adiwiyata 2018

Chandra Asri’s School Assistance Wins National Adiwiyata 2018

On 21 December 2018, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk’s school assistance, SMAN 5 Cilegon was successfully selected as the National Adiwiyata School. The award was held at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and was opened by the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Madam Siti Nurbaya Bakar. The awarding of a total of 279 national and independent adiwiyata schools were represented by Mr. Bambang Hendroyono as Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) and accompanied by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Chandra Asri has been accompanying the journey of SMAN 5 Cilegon since the beginning of 2013. With this award, it is also a sign of the company's commitment to continue to support the improvement of the quality of education in Cilegon.

17 - 12- 2018

17 - 12- 2018

Signing Ceremony Credit Export Facility

Signing Ceremony Credit Export Facility

Signing Ceremony Credit Export Facility

On 17 December 2018, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk signed Export Credit Facility agreement with Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and BNP Paribas (Tokyo Branch) for 8 years duration. Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI) will provide insurance protection for tranches from BNP Paribas (Tokyo Branch).

This facility will be used to finance the construction of a new 400 KTA polyethylene plant which will increase the company’s total PE production into 736 KTA. Later, this new plant will produce High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE), and Metallocene LLDPE (mLLDPE). The operation of the new PE plant will be expected to become a new supply of domestic PE products, whose demand is estimated to reach around 1.4 million TPA and tend to increase along with economic growth.

14 - 12- 2018

14 - 12- 2018

Chandra Asri Provide Batch 2 Training for Junior Highschool Mathematic & Physic Teachers in Serang District

Chandra Asri Provide Batch 2 Training for Junior Highschool Mathematic & Physic Teachers in Serang District

Chandra Asri Provide Batch 2 Training for Junior Highschool Mathematic & Physic Teachers in Serang District

Teachers hold very important part in the survival of civilization, due to their prominent role in passing down education from generation to generation. PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk is committed to improve education quality in Banten district. Therefore the company cooperate back with Yayasan Surya Institute to provide training for Junior Highschool Mathematic & Physic Teachers in Serang District. This Batch 2 training held throughout 10 - 14 December 2018 in Hotel Grand Mangku Putra Cilegon, with 130 teachers as participants from 65 Junior High School.