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21 - 02- 2024

21 - 02- 2024

Chandra Asri Group Awarded as National Lighthouse Industry 4.0

Chandra Asri Group Awarded as National Lighthouse Industry 4.0

Chandra Asri Group Awarded as National Lighthouse Industry 4.0

Chandra Asri Group meraih penghargaan National Lighthouse Industry 4.0 dari Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia. Penghargaan ini menegaskan posisi Perseroan sebagai role model dalam transformasi digital bagi pelaku industri di sektor serupa. Penghargaan National Lighthouse Industry 4.0 secara resmi diserahkan oleh Menteri Perindustrian, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, pada Rabu, 21 Februari 2024.

Rekognisi National Lighthouse Industry 4.0 yang diterima oleh Chandra Asri Group turut mendukung tujuan "Peta Jalan Making Indonesia 4.0," sebuah inisiatif pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan Indonesia menghadapi era Industri 4.0.  Sementara di Chandra Asri Group, proses transformasi digital terbagi menjadi dua fase. Fase pertama, yang berlangsung dari 2019 hingga 2023, difokuskan pada penerapan teknologi digital dalam proses bisnis dan operasi manufaktur. Sedangkan fase kedua, yang dimulai pada 2024 hingga 2026, akan memfokuskan pada pemodernan infrastruktur Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) serta memanfaatkan Automation, Big Data Analytics, dan praktik terbaik dari industri lainnya untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan kualitas data

21 - 02- 2024

21 - 02- 2024

Chandra Asri Group Manages 1.7 Tons of Plastic Waste from Cilegon City DLH Competition

Chandra Asri Group Manages 1.7 Tons of Plastic Waste from Cilegon City DLH Competition

Chandra Asri Group Manages 1.7 Tons of Plastic Waste from Cilegon City DLH Competition

Chandra Asri Group supports the activity of the Heaviest Plastic Bag Waste Collection Competition for elementary, junior high, and senior high school students, as well as the community and waste banks organized by the Cilegon City Environmental Agency, Banten, to commemorate National Waste Care Day on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. A total of 1.7 tons of waste, the target of which will be collected, will be managed by Chandra Asri Group to become a mixture of Plastic Asphalt and Plas Premium for the community.

The plastic bag waste collected by Chandra Asri Group will be used as raw material for a mixture of plastic asphalt to be deployed by the Cilegon City Government on TPSA Bagendung Street. Then, the remainder will be processed using pyrolysis technology at the waste management facility, namely the Industri Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu-Atasi Sampah, Kelola Mandiri (IPST ASARI).

06 - 02- 2024

06 - 02- 2024

Chandra Asri Group Supports New Renewable Energy Mix Based on Geothermal with Asrene®SP4808

Chandra Asri Group Supports New Renewable Energy Mix Based on Geothermal with Asrene®SP4808

Chandra Asri Group Supports New Renewable Energy Mix Based on Geothermal with Asrene®SP4808

Chandra Asri Group supports the national target of renewable energy mix (EBT) through collaboration in providing infrastructure raw materials for the Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) project. The company provides Asrene®SP4808 material with special formulations that can be produced into High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes with PE 100 class for geothermal field facilities. Asrene®SP4808 is also a local resin that has been certified with Indonesian National Standards (SNI) and the highest Domestic Content Level (TKDN) in Indonesia.

The PLTP project serves as one of the pillars in achieving the EBT mix target as outlined in the National Energy General Plan (RUEN) of 23% by 2025 and 31% by 2050. The use of HDPE pipes with Asrene®SP4808 specially formulated raw materials has proven to be a reliable option for geothermal facilities due to their reliability and minimal maintenance requirements once operational. The use of HDPE pipes with this formulation has also been previously implemented in the Hamiding Geothermal Field, North Maluku, and the Wayang Windu Geothermal Field, Pangalengan, West Java.

01 - 02- 2024

01 - 02- 2024

Chandra Asri Group's Global Partnership Strategy at Indonesia Incorporated Day 2024

Chandra Asri Group's Global Partnership Strategy at Indonesia Incorporated Day 2024

Chandra Asri Group's Global Partnership Strategy at Indonesia Incorporated Day 2024

Chandra Asri Group, a leading chemical and infrastructure solutions company in Indonesia, participated in Indonesia Incorporated Day 2024, organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday, January 27, 2024. The company was chosen as one of the private sector representatives and had the opportunity to share its "Go Global" strategy, which was collaborated with state-owned enterprises, to create value for businesses and all stakeholders, including the country and the Indonesian diaspora abroad.

The company is currently committed to completing its organic growth strategy in the chemical sector by establishing a world-scale Chlor Alkali and Ethylene Dichloride Plant (CA-EDC Plant), alongside related core infrastructure investments. The development of the CA-EDC Plant targets the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) concept to meet local and regional needs in Indonesia and the Southeast Asian region. This investment will reduce Indonesia's imports and expand its exports to support the purification of nickel and alumina, which form the basis of battery production for the electric vehicle industry, a core part of the solution for the global energy transition.

17 - 01- 2024

17 - 01- 2024

5-Year Collaboration of Chandra Asri Group with Happy Hearts Indonesia

5-Year Collaboration of Chandra Asri Group with Happy Hearts Indonesia

5-Year Collaboration of Chandra Asri Group with Happy Hearts Indonesia

Collaborating with Happy Hearts Indonesia (HHI) since 2017, Chandra Asri Group has formed a partnership to improve the facilities and infrastructure of Early Childhood Education (PAUD) schools in Ciwandan, Anyar, and Pulo Ampel. This program aims to enhance the quality of early childhood education as a manifestation of concern for the Golden Age, which significantly influences a child's growth and development. Six PAUD schools have undergone renovations through this program: PAUD Barokah I, PAUD Widuri, PAUD Al-Hikmah, PAUD Cahaya Bintang, PAUD Nusantara, and PAUD Tunas Bangsa.

Over the course of five years, in addition to improving school infrastructure, the collaboration between Chandra Asri Group and HHI has also implemented the Maintenance Rating System (MRS) to ensure the sustainable development of PAUDs. This 5-year development initiative has provided early childhood education benefits to 1,063 students and created job opportunities for 25 teachers, all of whom have undergone skills development programs. The training provided to teachers and students includes topics such as Clean Water and Sanitation Access (WASH) and Risk Reduction.

14 - 01- 2024

14 - 01- 2024

Chandra Asri Group and Syekh Nawawi Banten University Collaborate on Sustainable Waste Management Education

Chandra Asri Group and Syekh Nawawi Banten University Collaborate on Sustainable Waste Management Education

Chandra Asri Group and Syekh Nawawi Banten University Collaborate on Sustainable Waste Management Education

Chandra Asri Group collaborates with Syekh Nawawi Banten University (USNB) to organize the 'Tanara Clean Up' initiative held in the Tanara Village, Serang Regency, Banten Province on Saturday and Sunday, January 13-14, 2024. The Tanara Clean Up program is part of the Tanara Waste Management initiative, aiming to create a sustainable waste management system by implementing the concept of a circular economy.

Present at the ceremony on Sunday, January 14, 2024, were the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH Ma’ruf Amin, the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, Siti Nurbaya Bakar, the Rector of USNB, Dr. Hj. Siti Haniatunnisa, Edi Riva’i Legal, External Affairs, and Circular Economy Director of Chandra Asri Group, and Phuping Taweesarp ESG & Sustainability Director of Chandra Asri Group. The cleanup event, in collaboration with Digital Waste Bank (BSD) as a local partner, successfully collected a total of 2,517.5 kg of waste, consisting of 284.5 kg of inorganic waste, 323.5 kg of organic waste, 42 kg of hazardous waste (B3), and 1,867.5 kg of residual waste.

04 - 01- 2024

04 - 01- 2024

Officially Transformed to PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk to Support Company Expansion

Officially Transformed to PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk to Support Company Expansion

Officially Transformed to PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk to Support Company Expansion

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk has officially changed its Company name to PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (Chandra Asri Group) with the stock code TPIA. This change has officially received approval from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia on January 03, 2024 that has received shareholder approval at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on December 29, 2023.

This name change was implemented as part of a company’s transformation, in which it is currently intensively diversifying its business portfolio so that it is no longer focused only on the petrochemical sector, but has expanded its business to the chemical sector and infrastructure provision. Thus, changing the name to PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk is a strategic step to accommodate changes in broader business focus, strengthening the Company's reputation as a #YourGrowthPartner as the backbone for strategic sectors in the country.

29 - 12- 2023

29 - 12- 2023

Chandra Asri Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders December 29 2023

Chandra Asri Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders December 29 2023

Chandra Asri Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders December 29 2023

Chandra Asri has held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on Friday, December 29 2023 in Jakarta. At this meeting, the Company has agreed to change the Company's Name from PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk to PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk or another name approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority.

The meeting also approved the appointment of Mr. Anawat Chansaksoong as Director of Chandra Asri to replace Mr. Nattapong. Chandra Asri expressed his highest appreciation to Mr. Nattapong Tumsaroj for the extraordinary contribution and dedication he has given while serving as Director of Chandra Asri in overseeing Chandra Asri's journey to become a leading chemical company and infrastructure solutions in Indonesia.

21 - 12- 2023

21 - 12- 2023

Chandra Asri Group's Petrochemical Plants Achieved Gold and Green Predicate in PROPER 2023

Chandra Asri Group's Petrochemical Plants Achieved Gold and Green Predicate in PROPER 2023

Chandra Asri Group's Petrochemical Plants Achieved Gold and Green Predicate in PROPER 2023

Chandra Asri Group has successfully received recognition in the Environmental Performance Rating Program (PROPER) 2023 from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. The Ciwandan petrochemical plant was awarded the Gold predicate, while the Pulo Ampel petrochemical plant received the Green predicate. The Gold predicate was granted in recognition of the company's achievements in eco-innovation, creative solutions, and sustainability. On the other hand, the Green PROPER predicate is a result of the company's efforts in surpassing the required regulatory standards.

The Chandra Asri Group's Ciwandan plant has produced environmentally friendly products that are included in the Swadeklarasi Eco-Label for HDPE and PP products. The company has also implemented innovative changes in components that have increased production and supported energy savings in the Polyethylene Plant reactor system, resulting in a reduction of 4,855,947.073 tons of CO2eq Global Warming Potential (GWP) and an energy efficiency improvement of 12,470.40 GJ. In social aspect, Chandra Asri Group, in collaboration with fishermen, local communities, and the Anyar Village Government, has upgraded community empowerment programs in waste management.

Meanwhile, for the Chandra Asri Group's plant in Pulo Ampel, which successfully maintained the GREEN PROPER predicate, it has produced environmentally friendly products, particularly Styrene Monomer with a waste reduction claim category. The technology employed enables the minimization of waste generated.

13 - 12- 2023

13 - 12- 2023

Chandra Asri Group Completes 8.6 Kilometers of Plastic Asphalt Road in BSD City

Chandra Asri Group Completes 8.6 Kilometers of Plastic Asphalt Road in BSD City

Chandra Asri Group Completes 8.6 Kilometers of Plastic Asphalt Road in BSD City

Sinar Mas Land and Chandra Asri Group inaugurated the results of their collaboration in building plastic-mixed asphalt roads in BSD City on Wednesday, December 13, 2023. The development of this circular economy-based infrastructure has been started since 2021 in the BSD City area. During this ceremony, the two companies successfully completed the construction of an 8.6-kilometer stretch of asphalt road. The collaborative achievement between Sinar Mas Land and Chandra Asri Group also marks BSD City as the first township in Indonesia to utilize plastic asphalt.

The plastic asphalt road in BSD City is equivalent to utilizing 164.2 million plastic bags or diverting 410.57 tons of plastic bag waste from the landfill. Chandra Asri Group remains committed to addressing plastic waste issues through a circular economy concept. One of our efforts is to initiate the use of plastic waste as a mix for asphalt through a multi-stakeholder collaboration approach, in line with our commitment at the Our Ocean Conference 2018 to implement 100 kilometers of plastic asphalt by 2023.