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30 - 11- 2017

30 - 11- 2017

CAP Received Two Gold Awards, a Silver Award in TKMPN XXI and IQPC 2017

CAP Received Two Gold Awards, a Silver Award in TKMPN XXI and IQPC 2017

CAP Received Two Gold Awards, a Silver Award in TKMPN XXI and IQPC 2017

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk won two Gold Awards and one Silver Award in the convention forum of "Temu Karya Mutu & Produktivitas Nasional (TKMPN) XXI dan International Quality & Productivity Convention 2017 (IQPC)” held in Padang, West Sumatera, on 27 -30 November 2017. This is the third time for the Company in participating in this forum. Last year, the Company won a Gold Award in the same event which took place in Bali. These achievements and awards are expected to encourage all employees to constantly innovate to solve problems in their work unit.

30 - 11- 2017

30 - 11- 2017

CAP Wins Two Gold Awards in the Indonesian CSR Award 2017

CAP Wins Two Gold Awards in the Indonesian CSR Award 2017

CAP Wins Two Gold Awards in the Indonesian CSR Award 2017

On 30 November 2017, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk was awarded two Gold Awards in the Indonesian CSR Award 2017 for Industry and Manufacturing Sector category. This award from the Corporate Forum for Community Development (CFCD) was handed over by Expert Staff of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Bapak Hari Purwanto, to the Company’s representatives, Bapak Suhat Miyarso and Bapak Abraham Sinatrawan. This award is an appreciation for the Company’s commitment in developing quality of life of the surrounding communities through sustainable CSR programs.

27 - 11- 2017

27 - 11- 2017

CAP Wins Award in IICD Award 2017

CAP Wins Award in IICD Award 2017

CAP Wins Award in IICD Award 2017

On 27 November 2017, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk received the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Award in The 9th IICD Corporate Governance Award 2017 for the Top 50 Biggest Market Capitalization Public Listed Companies category. This annual awards ceremony is an appreciation from the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) to public companies deemed to be committed to running GCG. Previously, the Company was included in the list of preferred companies that received GCG Award for Top 50 Public Listed Company (2016 and 2015) and The Best Improved (2015) categories.

18 - 11- 2017

18 - 11- 2017

CAP Received Two Gold Ruby Awards in IQC 2017

CAP Received Two Gold Ruby Awards in IQC 2017

CAP Received Two Gold Ruby Awards in IQC 2017

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk successfully won two Gold Ruby Medals for the category of Focus Improvement in Indonesia Quality Convention (IQC) 2017 held in Medan, North Sumatra, on 14-18 November 2017. This year the Company sent two teams to compete in the event initiated by the Indonesian Quality Management Association (PMMI). The annual quality competition is attended by 48 teams representing various Indonesian companies from the mining, automotive, petrochemical, banking and health sectors. In this 2017 IQC, the Company's achievement is better than the previous year which in IQC 2016, the Company earned Gold Medal.

06 - 11- 2017

06 - 11- 2017

CAP Held EGMS and Public Expose 2017

CAP Held EGMS and Public Expose 2017

CAP Held EGMS and Public Expose 2017

On 6 November 2017, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) in Wisma Barito Pacific, Jakarta. In the Meeting, Shareholders of the Company have approved the splitting of the Company’s shares nominal value (stock split) with the splitting unit ratio of 1:5 (one in five). After the EGMS, the Company held Annual Public Expose 2017 with agenda on recent updates of the Company’s business operations and financial performance. The event which was attended by invitations from securities, banks, analysts and media ended with Q&A session with the Management.

28 - 10- 2017

28 - 10- 2017

CAP Received Four Gold Awards in ICQCC 2017 in Manila

CAP Received Four Gold Awards in ICQCC 2017 in Manila

CAP Received Four Gold Awards in ICQCC 2017 in Manila

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk won four Gold Awards at the International Convention on Quality Control Circle (ICQCC) held in Manila, Philippines, on 24-28 October 2017. In this competition of innovation and quality improvement, the Company sent four Focus Improvement projects and all four were awarded the highest award of Gold Award. This is the second time the Company participates in this international event. Previously, the Company received two Gold Awards at ICQCC 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand.

19 - 10- 2017

19 - 10- 2017

CAP Grant Scholarships to UGM

CAP Grant Scholarships to UGM

CAP Grant Scholarships to UGM

On 19 October 2017, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk gave scholarships with opportunities to work in the Company to eight students of Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Department of Gadjah Mada University. This agreement is contained in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of research collaboration and admission of new students through the partnership. This scholarship was handed over symbolically by Bapak Suryandi (Director) accompanied by Bapak Suhat Miyarso (VP Corporate Relations) and witnessed by UGM Rector, Bapak Panut Mulyono at Rectorate Building UGM, Yogakarta. The cooperation between the Company and UGM is expected to increase the competitiveness of both and is expected to support the development of education and research at UGM.

11 - 10- 2017

11 - 10- 2017

CAP Wins Silver Award at OPEXCON17

CAP Wins Silver Award at OPEXCON17

CAP Wins Silver Award at OPEXCON17

On 11 October 2017, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk received the Silver Award for Manufacturing category in Operational Excellence Conference & Award 2017 (OPEXCON17) at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta. In this annual event by SSCX International, CAP competed with 150 project improvement from big companies in Indonesia. This is the fifth time CAP received the OPEXCON award. Previously, we managed to bring home the Gold Award (2016 dan 2013), Silver Award (2015), and Bronze Award (2014)  for the same category.

08 - 10- 2017

08 - 10- 2017

CAP Participated in Clean Up Jakarta Day 2017

CAP Participated in Clean Up Jakarta Day 2017

CAP Participated in Clean Up Jakarta Day 2017

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk participated in Clean Up Jakarta Day 2017, as part of the Company's concern for the environment by identifying and sorting recyclable materials and increasing understanding of the importance of reduce, reuse, recycle process. This event was held on Sunday, 8 October 2017 at Grand Kemang (Jakarta) by Indonesia Expat and Lions Club District 307 - A1 Zone C. A total of 300 participants including our employees participated in this event by taking a morning walk and picking up trash around Kemang area.

20 - 09- 2017

20 - 09- 2017

Renovation Kampung Cisiram Entered Finishing Process

Renovation Kampung Cisiram Entered Finishing Process

Renovation Kampung Cisiram Entered Finishing Process

On 20 September 2017, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held One Day Volunteer for renovating Village Cisiram, for the third time. CAP employees act as volunteers to work on home renovation and village infrastructure construction. This time, the CSR team of PT SCG Indonesia participated, together with our volunteers, completed the last two houses out of a total of 22 renovated house. Renovation work has entered the final stage of painting, installation of paving blocks for roads, and foundation work for the Community Center.