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23 - 11- 2016

23 - 11- 2016

CAP Issue Public Offering CAP I Bonds Year 2016

CAP Issue Public Offering CAP I Bonds Year 2016

CAP Issue Public Offering CAP I Bonds Year 2016

On 23 November 2016, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held Due Diligence Meeting & Public Expose for its plan of bonds issuance through the Public Offering of Chandra Asri Petrochemical I Bonds Year 2016. Act as Underwriter in this public offering are PT DBS Vickers Securities Indonesia, PT Mandiri Sekuritas and PT BCA Sekuritas. These Bonds received a rating of idA+ (single A plus) from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia and issued in two series; Bonds Series A with tenor of three years and Bonds Series B with tenor of five years. With interesting bond coupon, the Company is targeting funds obtained as much as 500 billion rupiah.

21 - 11- 2016

21 - 11- 2016

CAP Scholarship Award 2016

CAP Scholarship Award 2016

CAP Scholarship Award 2016

On 21 November 2016, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held Scholarship Award for two types of scholarships; President Director Scholarship (PDS) in 2016 and Untirta full-tuition Scholarship 2015-2016. PDS is a bond-free scholarship program for employees' children in High School and University, while Untirta Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship for selected yet outstanding Untirta Students. This year, CAP Scholarship Award conferred scholarships to 37 employees' children for PDS and 19 students for Untirta Shcolarship. Congratulations and good luck to the recipient of CAP Scholarship Award and wish you many more achievements to come!

02 - 11- 2016

02 - 11- 2016

CAP Repair Hanging Bridge at Desa Sukajaya, Banten

CAP Repair Hanging Bridge at Desa Sukajaya, Banten

CAP Repair Hanging Bridge at Desa Sukajaya, Banten

Well aware of the importance of adequate infrastructure to boost economic growth and improving quality of life, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk collaborated with Yayasan Relawan Kampung Indonesia, a foundation which engaged in social work, to repair the hanging bridge at Desa Sukajaya, District Sajira, Lebak, Banten Province. The groundbreaking ceremony of the project is held on 2 November 2016 and attended by Management Representative of the Company, Mr. Piboon Sirinantanakul (Director), Mr. Suhat Miyarso (VP Corporate Relations), Mr. Abraham Sinatrawan (Head of CSR) as well as the Headman of Desa Sukajaya, Mr. Asep Sarbini. The bridge repair project will begin in early November 2016 and is scheduled for completion in mid January 2017.

02 - 11- 2016

02 - 11- 2016

Analyst Meeting Q3-2016

Analyst Meeting Q3-2016

Analyst Meeting Q3-2016

On 2 November 2016, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held Analyst Meeting to convey the Company's performance after the release of the Consolidated Financial Statements for the 9 months period ended 30 September 2016. The event was attended by Management Representative of the Company, Mr. Terry Lim (Finance Director), Mr. Suryandi (HR & Corporate Administration Director), Mr. David Kosasih (Finance GM), Mr. Harry Tamin (Head of Investor Relations), as well as the invitee from securities, bank and capital market analysts. Delivered within explanation related to the performance that the Company achieves outstanding performance in the third quarter of 2016 and optimistic to deliver a record performance for full year 2016.

11 - 10- 2016

11 - 10- 2016

CAP Won Gold Award in OPEXCON 2016

CAP Won Gold Award in OPEXCON 2016

CAP Won Gold Award in OPEXCON 2016

On 11 October 2015 at JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk which was represented by Mr. Ruly Aryawan (Director) received Gold Award for Manufacture category in the OPEXCON 2016 Awarding Ceremony. This awarding ceremony is organized by SSCX International. OPEXCON Award annually held as a medium to appreciate Indonesian Company which is committed to the continuous improvement of business processes and quality improvement, either in the process or products and services. This award is the fourth time received by the Company, previously CAP won Silver Award (2015), Bronze Award (2014) and Gold Award (2013) for the same category.

23 - 09- 2016

23 - 09- 2016

CAP Held Media Gathering 2016

CAP Held Media Gathering 2016

CAP Held Media Gathering 2016

"Get to know the Industry, Establish Communication" became the theme in CAP Media Gathering 2016 which was held two days in a row, 23-24 September 2016, with agenda of workshop and plant tour. Attended as Speakers in the workshop which was held at the Hotel Mambruk Anyer are Mr. Zainal Abidin (Chemists and Plastics Expert from ITB), Mr. Imaduddin Abdullah (Researcher at the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance), and Mr. Suryandi as Director of the Company. Further, Media Gathering activities continued in the next day with a plant tour at the Company's petrochemical complex in Cilegon, Banten. The event which followed by dozens of local and national journalists of Daily Newspapers and Online Media was held in order to establish good relation and communication with journalists for the smooth dissemination of accurate information about the Company as well as become a proper educational facilities related petrochemical industries.

08 - 09- 2016

08 - 09- 2016

CAP Inaugurated Home Renovations Program

CAP Inaugurated Home Renovations Program

CAP Inaugurated Home Renovations Program

Home sweet home. This short phrase is simply describing the dreams of most people to have a decent house to be a place to go home and build a family. Fully understand the importance of proper houses for the community, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk and Habitat for Humanity Indonesia cooperated to perform "Bedah Rumah" with coverage home renovations, development of sanitary facilities, roads reconstruction and empowering local communities to take advantage of existing opportunities. The inauguration of this cooperation was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two sides on 8 September 2016 in CAP Site Office in Cilegon. The MoU was signed by Mr. Piboon Sirinantanakul and Mr. Suryandi as Director of the Company with the Foundation for Habitat Humanity Indonesia, Mr. James Tumbuan and Mr. Leopold August Sutedja.

19 - 08- 2016

19 - 08- 2016

CAP Boost Energy Efficiency Using emisspro® by SCG Chemicals

CAP Boost Energy Efficiency Using emisspro® by SCG Chemicals

CAP Boost Energy Efficiency Using emisspro® by SCG Chemicals

As part of its contribution to be environmentally friendly manufacturing industry, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk continuously make efforts to boost energy efficiency of the plant using product innovation called emisspro® brought by Texplore Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of SCG Chemicals. Inauguration of the cooperation to supply this innovative product conducted by the Company together with the Texplore Co., Ltd on 19 August 2016. emisspro® itself is a high emissivity coating for industrial furnaces designed to achieve energy efficiency. Track record of the innovative solution that have been used by the Company for this past two years showed a satisfactory result of energy loss reduction in the production process of over 20%. This innovation is in line with our commitment to develop Green Manufacturing industry.

18 - 08- 2016

18 - 08- 2016

CAP Won Runner Up in Anugerah Iptek 2016

CAP Won Runner Up in Anugerah Iptek 2016

CAP Won Runner Up in Anugerah Iptek 2016

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk wins Runner Up at the Appreciation night of Anugerah Iptek 2016 for the category of Anugerah Abyudaya. This award is a token of appreciation given to the industrial sector that utilize and develop researsh results products into innovative products. The Company is considered successfully implementing value-added technological innovations on the development of Naphtha Cracker plant to increase the production of petrochemicals as well as to produce degradable plastic resin, Grene, that is environmentally friendly. Representing the Company, Bapak Suhat Miyarso as VP Corporate Relations received the award directly from the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Bapak Muhammad Nasir on 10 August 2016 at the Auditorium of UNS Solo. This year is the first time for the Company which led by the Research & Development team (RND) participated in this competition after going through tight selection and rigorous assessment.

04 - 08- 2016

04 - 08- 2016

CAP Join to Apply Payments for Environmental Services

CAP Join to Apply Payments for Environmental Services

CAP Join to Apply Payments for Environmental Services

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk and two other industry, PT Krakatau Tirta Industri and PT Asahimas Chemical in collaboration with Forum Komunikasi DAS Cidanau (FKDC) did Payments for Environmental Services in Nature Reserve of Rawa Danau. The program received special attention from the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Ibu Siti Nurbaya, who on 4 August 2016, came to visit the location of the Nature Reserve to see the success of the program which has been running well for the last three years.