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14 - 04- 2016

14 - 04- 2016

Announcement of Scholarship for Final Level Students of UNTIRTA

Announcement of Scholarship for Final Level Students of UNTIRTA

Announcement of Scholarship for Final Level Students of UNTIRTA

Following is the Announcement of Scholarship for Final Level Students of UNTIRTA, click here.

04 - 03- 2016

04 - 03- 2016

Announcement of Administration Selection 2016

Announcement of Administration Selection 2016

Announcement of Administration Selection 2016

Berikut pengumuman seleksi administrasi. 

Pengumuman Seleksi Administrasi 2016 

26 - 02- 2016

26 - 02- 2016

CAP Renew MoU with ITB

CAP Renew MoU with ITB

CAP Renew MoU with ITB

On 26 February 2016, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) renew the Memorandum of Understanding on the extension of the validity period regarding collaboration in research, consulting, training and early recruitment (scholarship). The MoU was signed by Mr. Suryandi, as Director of the Company and the Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA, at ITB Rectorate building, Bandung. Previously, this agreement has worked well for five years, and is now extended to 10 years. Both sides hope that in this second period, the collaboration can be improved and attain targets, and give excellent benefit to the Company and ITB in the coming five years.

11 - 02- 2016

11 - 02- 2016

Formulir Pendaftaran Beasiswa ITB 2016

Formulir Pendaftaran Beasiswa ITB 2016

Formulir Pendaftaran Beasiswa ITB 2016

  1. Isi semua pertanyaan dengan singkat, lengkap dan  jelas
  2. Pas foto berwarna dengan pakaian rapi dan sopan, lalu ditempatkan pada kotak yang disediakan
  3. Ukuran file maksimum 300 kB dengan format MS Word (***.doc) dan penamaan file sesuai NIM (contoh: 13008001.doc) yang terdiri dari:
    • Formulir Aplikasi
    • Transkrip Nilai Akademik yang diperoleh dari Loket TU program studi (tanpa tanda-tangan)
    • Hasil scan Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM) bagian depan
  4. Formulir yang sudah diisi lengkap, dikirimkan kembali ke:  dengan mencantumkan subjek email: BEASISWA_CAP_NIM (contoh: BEASISWA CAP 13008001)
  5. Batas waktu  penerimaan aplikasi adalah 28 Februari 2016. Pukul : 24.00 WIB
  6. Apabila ada pertanyaan, peminat dapat menghubungi:

04 - 02- 2016

04 - 02- 2016

Pengumuman Penyelenggaraan Beasiswa khusus mahasiswa ITB tingkat Akhir

Pengumuman Penyelenggaraan Beasiswa khusus mahasiswa ITB tingkat Akhir

Pengumuman Penyelenggaraan Beasiswa khusus mahasiswa ITB tingkat Akhir

Bagi Mahasiswa ITB yang berminat mendaftar Beasiswa, silahkan melihat pengumuman berikut. 

Poster Pendaftaran Beasiswa ITB 2016 

25 - 01- 2016

25 - 01- 2016

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2016

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2016

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2016

On 26 January 2016, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders at Wisma Barito Pacific Jakarta with meeting agenda “the change of composition of the Board of Directors of the Company”. On that day, the Meeting has approved the resignation of Mr. Paisan Lekskulchai from his position as Director of Manufacturing and appointed Mr. Piboon Sirinantanakul who previously served in SCG Thailand, as the new Director of Manufacturing. Appreciation is expressed by the shareholder for dedication and contribution that has been given by Mr. Paisan Lekskulchai during his tenure at the Company.

12 - 10- 2015

12 - 10- 2015

OPEXCON Award 2015

OPEXCON Award 2015

OPEXCON Award 2015

On 12 October 2015 at JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (CAP) which was represented by Mr. Suryandi (Director) received Silver Award for Manufacture category in the OPEXCON 2015 Awarding Ceremony. Awards ceremony organized by SSCX International was followed by a total of 100 improvement projects that were divided into 3 categories: Manufacture, Services, Mining & Energy. OPEXCON Award annually held as a medium to appreciate Indonesian Company which is committed to the continuous improvement of business processes and quality improvement, either in the process or products and services. This award is the third time received by CAP, previously CAP won Bronze Award (2014) and Gold Award (2013) for the same category.

24 - 08- 2015

24 - 08- 2015

Announcement of Scholarship Candidate PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk

Announcement of Scholarship Candidate PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk

Announcement of Scholarship Candidate PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk

(Cilegon, August 24, 2015) PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (CAP) officially announced Scholarship Candidate through letter number 023/IR-CAP/VIII/2015 dated August 20, 2015. The names of 2015 Scholarship Candidates winners are:

  1. Fadhila Rizqi Karima (Chemical Education)
  2. Tiara Fitriyani (Agribusiness)
  3. Melani Eka Saputri (Economic Development)
  4. Hary Irawan (Electrical Engineering)
  5. Gennisa Hemasdianti A. (Agribusiness)
  6. A Ruyani (Indonesian Language and Literature Education)
  7. Tanri Paramita (English Language Education)
  8. Abul Fatah Fahrutaini (Primary Teacher Education)
  9. Fatimah Novitasari (Law Science)
  10. Syahrul Amin (Communication Science)

The Scholarships are granted after passing a series of selection steps, among others:

  1. New students who graduated SBMPTN 2015.
  2. Based in Serang district, Serang City and Cilegon City.
  3. Has SBMPTN grade value above 540.
  4. The provisions of certain economic conditions.

For information, Untirta through the Vice Chancellor IV for Cooperation to establish cooperation with CAP for 5 years related to the implementation of this scholarship program, while this selection is the first year selection, the scholarship recipients will receive a scholarship of UKT imposed upon him to semester 8. The scholarship can be terminated by considering academic achievement and if within 8 semester the scholarship recipients have not completed their studies.

Furthermore, the scholarship recipients will sign a scholarship agreement which will be held in late August or early September.

Similarly, this information is conveyed, felicitation to the winning scholarship candidates. Further information will be communicated via the web

24 - 08- 2015

24 - 08- 2015

Hydroponics Cultivation Training

Hydroponics Cultivation Training

Hydroponics Cultivation Training

On August 22, 2015, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk in collaboration with the Government City of Cilegon gather community of the eight districts in Cilegon to join Hydroponics Cultivation Training in Parung Farm, Bogor. This social and community development program is the result of collaboration with Cilegon Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR). The trainees are given briefing materials and directly observe the hydroponic farm complex to see for themselves how the hydroponic cultivation in actual practice. From this training, the trainees are expected to be able to pursue farming activities with hydroponics system and capture its business opportunities.    

07 - 07- 2015

07 - 07- 2015

Operational Vehicles Assistance

Operational Vehicles Assistance

Operational Vehicles Assistance

On July 6, 2015, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk provided support to Provincial Police Command (Polda) of Banten in the form of operational vehicles, 10 units of motorcycles. This donation is given symbolically by VP Corporate Relations, Mr. Suhat Miyarso to the Police Chief of Banten, Mr. Brigjen Mr. Boy Rafli Amar in Headquarters of Polda Banten, Serang, Banten. It is expected that this contribution could support Police duties in maintaining conducive situation and the smooth flow of homecoming Lebaran.