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11 - 10- 2023

11 - 10- 2023

Chandra Asri Receives ISCC Certification and Achieves Improvement in ESG Score

Chandra Asri Receives ISCC Certification and Achieves Improvement in ESG Score

Chandra Asri Receives ISCC Certification and Achieves Improvement in ESG Score

For its consistent implementation of sustainability principles, Chandra Asri has successfully obtained the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC), a globally recognized sustainability certification system for environmentally-friendly product production. With the attainment of ISCC, Chandra Asri's facilities are certified to meet the standards for processing bio-feedstock into bio-based products, such as Bio-Propylene, Bio-Ethylene, Bio-Crude C4, and Bio-Pygas. This accomplishment also supports Chandra Asri's efforts in transitioning towards more sustainable alternative raw material utilization.

In addition to obtaining ISCC certification, Chandra Asri has improved its MSCI rating from BB to BBB. Furthermore, Chandra Asri has successfully maintained its status as a company with "Low Risk" according to Sustainalytics, with a decrease in its ESG risk level from 17.7 to 16.6. Chandra Asri's stock [Code: TPIA] also remains listed in the IDX ESG Leaders lineup announced by the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

09 - 10- 2023

09 - 10- 2023

Chandra Asri's Waste Sorting Education Initiative at the Pre-Event of Jakarta Marathon

Chandra Asri's Waste Sorting Education Initiative at the Pre-Event of Jakarta Marathon

Chandra Asri's Waste Sorting Education Initiative at the Pre-Event of Jakarta Marathon

Chandra Asri once again organized the "Aksi Asri Operasi Semut untuk #IndonesiaAsri" (Asri Ant Operation for #BeautifulIndonesia) activity as part of the Jakarta Marathon 2023 Pre-Event held at Car Free Day (CFD) Jakarta on Sunday, October 8th. This ant operation aimed to educate the public about the importance of waste sorting. The total amount of waste collected during this Aksi Asri event was 43 kilograms, consisting of 26 kilograms of plastic waste, 4 kilograms of organic waste, 10 kilograms of paper waste, and 3 kilograms of other waste.

In addition to the Aksi Asri Operasi Semut, Chandra Asri also placed segregated waste bins in the venue area and packaging waste bins at 3 hydration spots during the Pre-Event of Jakarta Marathon 2023. From October 19th to 22nd, 2023, Chandra Asri will also have a presence in the expo area with a booth called "Indonesia Asri." At the Chandra Asri booth, visitors can experience waste sorting and see a variety of products made from waste materials, such as BBM Plas (Plastic Fuel) and Asphalt Plastik (Plastic Asphalt), which are made from low-value plastic waste.

06 - 10- 2023

06 - 10- 2023

Protection of Biodiversity at Kehati Asri Conservation in 2023

Protection of Biodiversity at Kehati Asri Conservation in 2023

Protection of Biodiversity at Kehati Asri Conservation in 2023

Chandra Asri continues its efforts to protect biodiversity through environmental conservation initiatives, one of which is the establishment and management of the Kehati Park located in Gunung Sugih Village, Ciwandan District, Cilegon City. Through the preservation of Kehati Asri Park, the company strives to continuously assess the diversity of flora and fauna through research, development, and innovation with trained personnel.

Based on the 2023 Biodiversity Status Data in Kehati Asri Park, a total of 415 plants from 44 plant species were found, with a Flora Biodiversity Index (H') of 3. Efforts are being made to cultivate typical Banten flora based on the Decree of the Lebak Regent No. 522.51/SK.233/Ekon/1993, specifically the Namnam plant (Cynometra cauliflora), with the cultivation of 130 stems.

Meanwhile, the Fauna Diversity in Kehati Asri Park in 2023 consists of 132 individuals from 3 categories: Aves, Mammals, and Herpetofauna. Based on this data, the Fauna Biodiversity Index (H') in Kehati Asri Park is 2.08 for the Aves class, 1.31 for the Mammals class, and 1.74 for the Herpetofauna group.

As a part of their commitment to biodiversity protection, Chandra Asri has established institutional cooperation with the Department of Biology Education at the Faculty of Education (FKIP) of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University (UNTIRTA) to implement the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi program, which includes research, identification, and inventory of biodiversity in Kehati Asri Park. One of the outcomes of this collaboration is the creation of an information system as an Educational for Sustainable Development (ESD) based learning platform accessible via:

02 - 10- 2023

02 - 10- 2023

Chandra Asri Holds Community Awareness Activity Phase 4 with Gunung Sugih Village Residents

Chandra Asri Holds Community Awareness Activity Phase 4 with Gunung Sugih Village Residents

Chandra Asri Holds Community Awareness Activity Phase 4 with Gunung Sugih Village Residents

As part of routine activities, Chandra Asri has once again organized a Community Awareness event to provide socialization to the local community surrounding the company, aiming to enhance awareness and understanding. The phase 4 Community Awareness event was attended by 120 residents of Gunung Sugih Village and took place at the Village Office Yard on Saturday, October 2, 2023. There were three main topics covered during this event, including company gas pipeline safety, HIV/AIDS prevention, and fire prevention.

During the event, Chandra Asri also donated 11 Fire Extinguishers to Gunung Sugih Village. Additionally, a fire extinguishing simulation using blankets and APAR was conducted with the participants. The information shared during this socialization is expected to be carried by each participant and implemented as good practices within their homes and families.

26 - 09- 2023

26 - 09- 2023

Chandra Asri Receives Katadata Corporate Sustainability Award

Chandra Asri Receives Katadata Corporate Sustainability Award

Chandra Asri Receives Katadata Corporate Sustainability Award

Chandra Asri has received the Katadata Corporate Sustainability Award (KCSA) in the Chemicals sector for the Environment category from Katadata Insight Center (KIC), an economic and business research institution. This award recognizes Chandra Asri's commitment, programs, sustainable principles in business activities, and its contribution to environmental protection.

Chandra Asri, as a growth partner for Indonesia, consistently maintains a strong commitment to sustainability with its three pillars: Pro People, Pro Planet, and Pro Profit, along with ESG principles. This award is based on the analysis and assessment of the "Katadata Corporate Sustainability Index (KCSI)" by Katadata analysts and experts from various sectors. Data processing is sourced from the Sustainability Report mandated by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), ISO certifications, Proper ratings by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), and various data related to other sustainability principles such as carbon emission reduction, energy and water efficiency, waste management, environmental management, and social care programs.

22 - 09- 2023

22 - 09- 2023

Chandra Asri Celebrates Four Wins at Indonesia PR Program of the Year 2023

Chandra Asri Celebrates Four Wins at Indonesia PR Program of the Year 2023

Chandra Asri Celebrates Four Wins at Indonesia PR Program of the Year 2023

Proactively campaigning sustainability and amplifying the #IndonesiaAsri message, Chandra Asri secured four communication awards at the Indonesia PR Program of the Year 2023 event. Chandra Asri's communication programs honored during this event include #AKSIASRI Operasi Semut, which received a Very Good rating in the Creative Corporate Reputation category; The Plastic Waste Savings (Nabung Sampah Plastik) Campaign, recognized with a Very Good rating in the Internal PR category and included in the Top 3 Best Outtakes in the Internal PR category; as well as Ride Carbon Free Chandra Asri, which earned a Good rating in the ESG Campaign category.

Indonesia PR Program of the Year 2023 is an annual recognition event for communication programs and practitioners, organized by MIX MarComm Magazine from SWA Media Group. This year, the judging of the Indonesia PR Program of the Year 2023 involved quantitatively measuring the Outtakes parameters to generate a performance rating for the assessed programs. This quantitative measurement, achieved through data analysis in cyberspace, aligns with Barcelona Principle 3.0, an initiative introduced by the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC).

14 - 09- 2023

14 - 09- 2023

KDL Develops Solar Panel Business for Renewable Energy Solutions

KDL Develops Solar Panel Business for Renewable Energy Solutions

KDL Develops Solar Panel Business for Renewable Energy Solutions

A subsidiary of Chandra Asri Group, Krakatau Daya Listrik (KDL), has succeeded in developing business for solar panel generator development business with four different mechanisms as an effort to provide new and renewable energy solutions. The company has succeeded in installing solar panels in various projects, including industry and retail, with a total new and renewable energy electricity capacity reaching to 958 kWp and it is targeted that the solar power plant project will reach 3 MWp in 2023.

KDL has four mechanisms for installing solar panels: Solar On Grid System, Solar Off Grid System, On Grid with Battery Back-Up System, and Solar Hybrid System. KDL's flagship projects include Rooftop Photovoltaic (PV) installations which can also be used in housing as well as Ground-Mounted PV and Floating systems. All these initiatives reflect KDL's commitment to contributing to the development of sustainable new and renew able energy sources and playing a role in reducing environmental impacts.

12 - 09- 2023

12 - 09- 2023

Chandra Asri and Lions Club Clean Pluit Reservoir to Commemorate World Cleanup Day 2023

Chandra Asri and Lions Club Clean Pluit Reservoir to Commemorate World Cleanup Day 2023

Chandra Asri and Lions Club Clean Pluit Reservoir to Commemorate World Cleanup Day 2023

Chandra Asri, in collaboration with Lions Club Districts 307 A1 and B1, organized the "Pluit Reservoir Cleanup Day 2023" on Sunday, September 10, 2023, at Pluit Reservoir Park in North Jakarta. This joint clean-up event is part of the World Cleanup Day (WCUD), which is the world's largest annual simultaneous clean-up activity observed every September.

WCUD 2023 at Pluit Reservoir Park involved more than 1,000 volunteers, including employees and management from Chandra Asri. The theme of World Cleanup Day 2023 was "Sorting Waste from Home to Circular Economy," signifying a collective effort to address the issue of waste, especially plastic waste, by promoting sorting waste from the source. This clean-up action successfully prevented 800.3 kg of waste from polluting the water body, which serves as an alternative source of water for the community. That accumulated waste consist of 387.7 kg of organic waste, 228 kg of anorganic waste, and 184.6 kg of other waste.

08 - 09- 2023

08 - 09- 2023

Chandra Asri Distributes 62 Seeds to the Banten Polytechnic of Petrochemical Industry

Chandra Asri Distributes 62 Seeds to the Banten Polytechnic of Petrochemical Industry

Chandra Asri Distributes 62 Seeds to the Banten Polytechnic of Petrochemical Industry

During the campus life introduction for new students at Banten Polytechnic of Petrochemical Industry, Chandra Asri handed over fruit seeds to support a more beautiful campus environment. A total of sixty-two seeds were distributed in a symbolic event, represented by Wawan Mulyana, the Corporate Shared Value Department Manager at Chandra Asri, and Supardi, the Director of Banten Polytechnic of Petrochemical Industry.

The seed distribution program was a collaboration between the Corporate Shared Value Department and the Corporate SHE Risk Management Department, representing Chandra Asri's efforts to maintain the environmental ecosystem's balance. The seeds handed over included durian, sapodilla, avocado, and red shoot seeds. Additionally, one of the plants given was an endemic Indonesian flora, namely Namnam (Cynometra cauliflora).

05 - 09- 2023

05 - 09- 2023

Circular Economy-Based Plastic Waste Management Initiative Receives Regional Recognition at ABA 2023

Circular Economy-Based Plastic Waste Management Initiative Receives Regional Recognition at ABA 2023

Circular Economy-Based Plastic Waste Management Initiative Receives Regional Recognition at ABA 2023

Chandra Asri has been honored with an ASEAN-level award for its strong commitment to providing solutions to the plastic waste issue in Indonesia. At the ASEAN Business Awards (ABA) 2023 event on Monday, September 4, 2023, Chandra Asri emerged as the winner of the Plastic Waste Circularity Award in the Large Enterprise category. This award was directly received by Chandra Asri's President Director, Erwin Ciputra, and was presented by the Vice President Director of PT Indika Energy Tbk and CEO of Indika Group, Azis Armand.

At the ABA 2023 event, Chandra Asri introduced its community-based end-to-end plastic waste management initiative, consisting of the Integrated Waste Management Facility - Self-Managed Waste Solutions (IPTS-ASARI) in Cilegon, integrated with the SAGARA Program, which empowers fishermen in  Anyar Village, Serang.