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13 - 04- 2023

13 - 04- 2023

Distribute Plastic Fuel to MSMEs and Fishermen at Pangaradan Beach

Distribute Plastic Fuel to MSMEs and Fishermen at Pangaradan Beach

Distribute Plastic Fuel to MSMEs and Fishermen at Pangaradan Beach

On Thursday, April 13, 2023, Chandra Asri distributed 6 liters of plastic fuel, consisting of 2 liters of plastic gasoline and 4 liters of plastic kerosene, to fishermen and home-based businesses residing at the coast of Pangaradan Beach, Anyar Village, Serang Regency, Banten. This plastic fuel is generated from Chandra Asri's integrated waste management initiative (end-to-end plastic waste management) based on a circular economy principle, SAGARA and IPST ASARI (Industri Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu, Atasi Sampah – Kelola Mandiri).

These six liters of plastic fuel distributed by Chandra Asri are equivalent to converting 8 kilograms of low-value plastic waste from landfills. Previously, Chandra Asri had also distributed 1,079 liters of plastic fuel (equivalent to 1,402.7 kilograms of low-value plastic waste) to the people involved in the SAGARA program. The beneficiaries of this SAGARA program include 17 fishermen and 10 MSMEs in Anyar.

13 - 04- 2023

13 - 04- 2023

Together with INA Exploring the Establishment of a World Scale Chlor-Alkali Plant

Together with INA Exploring the Establishment of a World Scale Chlor-Alkali Plant

Together with INA Exploring the Establishment of a World Scale Chlor-Alkali Plant

Chandra Asri and the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together to develop a world-scale chlor-alkali plant in Indonesia, PT Chandra Asri Alkali (CAA) on Thursday, April 13, 2023. The CAA plant, a wholly owned subsidiary of Chandra Asri, will also accept investment from other potential international investors.

As part of the accelerated development of this plant, Chandra Asri has signed a basic engineering and licensing agreement with Asahi Kasei Corporation (AKC) from Japan, a leading world-class licensor with state-of-the-art intellectual property for the construction of CAA plan. The establishment of this world-class chlor-alkali company is expected to accelerate the growth of the national downstream industry, support Indonesia's ambition to become one of the world's largest nickel producers, as well as position itself in the global electric vehicle value chain.

11 - 04- 2023

11 - 04- 2023

Chandra Asri Distributes ZIS to 10 Sub-Districts in Cilegon

Chandra Asri Distributes ZIS to 10 Sub-Districts in Cilegon

Chandra Asri Distributes ZIS to 10 Sub-Districts in Cilegon

Commemorate the holy month of Ramadhan 1444 H, Chandra Asri, together with the Government of Cilegon, worked together to hand over Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh (ZIS), for ten sub-districts in the Cilegon City area. The symbolic handover of ZIS was carried out by Edi Rivai as the Legal and External Affairs Director of Chandra Asri and accompanied by Mr. H. Helldy Agustian, S.E, S.H, M.H as the Mayor of Cilegon. This ZIS was received directly by 10 Lurah in the Cilegon City area.

This year, Chandra Asri handed over 5,500 Kg of rice and 665 boxes of instant noodles to 2,200 beneficiaries. This routine of giving ZIS aligns with Chandra Asri's commitment as a Growth Partner who wants to take part in improving the welfare of the people around the Company's area.

21 - 03- 2023

21 - 03- 2023

Collaborates with TNI in Providing Healthy-Environmentally Friendly Sanitation and Access to Clean Water

Collaborates with TNI in Providing Healthy-Environmentally Friendly Sanitation and Access to Clean Water

Collaborates with TNI in Providing Healthy-Environmentally Friendly Sanitation and Access to Clean Water

To realize the 6th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely, ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (Chandra Asri) collaborates with the TNI to eradicate the practice of Open Defecation through Healthy-Environmentally Friendly Water Closet Program. Together with the TNI, the Company built water closets for 18 families, one mosque in the Sambironyok neighborhood, Kepuh sub-district, and two families in the Gunung Sugih sub-district.

These water closets were built using a bio-septic tank (Biotank), which is more environmentally friendly because the output water is odorless, non-toxic, and does not pollute the environment. This Biotank water closet is a collaboration between Chandra Asri and a customer, PT Profilia Indotech, where the water closet utilized Chandra Asri's material, PE UR3840V. In the future, Chandra Asri will continue its four pillars of CSR commitment: Education, Health, Economy, and Social-Environment.

20 - 03- 2023

20 - 03- 2023

Chandra Asri Receives Appreciation from Large Tax Office (LTO) Two

Chandra Asri Receives Appreciation from Large Tax Office (LTO) Two

Chandra Asri Receives Appreciation from Large Tax Office (LTO) Two

In the Best Taxpayer Award 2022 agenda, Chandra Asri received appreciation from Large Tax Office (LTO) Two (or KPP Wajib Pajak Besar Dua) due to its contribution in implementing the highest compliance towards tax obligations. The awarding procession was carried out by Mokhamad Khifni, Head of the Large Tax Office (LTO) Two, Suryandi, Director of Human Resources & Corporate Affairs Chandra Asri and Junus Danuatmodjo, Tax Section Manager Chandra Asri. The event was held at Large Tax Office (LTO) Two in Jakarta.

The 2022 Best Taxpayer Award received by Chandra Asri is concrete proof of the Company's commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), especially in the governance aspect, in which Chandra Asri actively complies with the provisions required by the Government. Chandra Asri, in this case, also takes the initiative to continuously contribute to Indonesia, not only through its products but also with its business compliance in supporting Indonesia's economic growth.

02 - 03- 2023

02 - 03- 2023

Build the 6th ECED to Support Education Quality Improvement

Build the 6th ECED to Support Education Quality Improvement

Build the 6th ECED to Support Education Quality Improvement

Chandra Asri is again working with the Happy Hearts Indonesia Foundation (HHI). This time, the Company is collaborating to build a building for Tunas Bangsa Early Childhood Education and Development (ECED), located on Jalan Sunan Bonang Link., Karang Jetak, Banjar Negara Village, Ciwandan District, Cilegon City. A symbolic inauguration to commemorate the operation of the new building was held on Thursday, March 2 2023, by Legal, External Affairs and Circular Economy Director Chandra Asri, Edi Rivai, Ciwandan Sub-District Head Mr Agus Ariyadi, and Mrs Vania Eriza as Head of PAUD and PNF City Education Office Cilegon.


Previously, Chandra Asri had built two ECED in the Cilegon City area and three in the Serang Regency area. In this regard, Chandra Asri is always committed to continuing efforts to improve the quality of education by restoring and rebuilding school buildings that are not viable, especially those located in the Company's Ring 1 and Ring 2 areas. The construction of EDEC Tunas Bangsa also applies the circular economy concept, whereas 63m2 of the school yard area and play area use paving blocks made from a mixture of chopped single-use plastic waste.

01 - 03- 2023

01 - 03- 2023

Chandra Asri Supports Literacy Facilities for Surrounding Communities

Chandra Asri Supports Literacy Facilities for Surrounding Communities

Chandra Asri Supports Literacy Facilities for Surrounding Communities

Chandra Asri has partnered with communities for four years through the Literacy Corner program to improve student literacy facilities. This program is part of the Company's Corporate Shared Value (CSV) Program, which is part of education pillar. Starting in 2019, the Literacy Corner aims to increase interest in reading for school-age children. A total of 3,562 books have been distributed to 39 schools and agencies around the Company during the 2019-2022 period; this number is equivalent to 8.7% of schools in Ciwandan District, 11.6% of schools in Anyer District, and 22% of schools in Pulo Ampel District. As a result of the implementation of this program, approximately 7,000 people have become beneficiaries.

Until now, the Company continues to strive to support surrounding schools by adding a collection of reading books following the National Library Standards (SNP) references and also the needs of schools. The Literacy Corner program also donated bookshelves made of wood pallet waste, collaborating with local wood craftsmen. This program is hoped to be beneficial for readers in meeting information needs and contributes to improving the local MSME economy.

28 - 02- 2023

28 - 02- 2023

Chandra Asri and Krakatau Steel Officially Signed the Deed of Sale and Purchase of Shares

Chandra Asri and Krakatau Steel Officially Signed the Deed of Sale and Purchase of Shares

Chandra Asri and Krakatau Steel Officially Signed the Deed of Sale and Purchase of Shares

The subsidiary of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk, namely PT Krakatau Sarana Infrastruktur ("PT KSI"), has officially closed the transaction on the Conditional Shares and Purchase Agreement ("CSPA") or Conditional Share Sale and Purchase Agreement with PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk ("Chandra Asri ") through its affiliates on Monday, 27 February 2023. This procession was carried out by signing by Plt. President Director of PT KSI Anton Firdaus and President Director of Chandra Asri Erwin Ciputra witnessed by the President Director of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk, Purwono Widodo.

After the CSPA points have been fulfilled, the share purchase process proceeds to the Share Purchase Deed signing. The signing was agreed on the transferring 70% of PT KSI's shares in PT Krakatau Daya Listrik ("PT KDL") and  49% of PT KSI's shares in PT Krakatau Tirta Industri ("PT KTI") to Chandra Asri. Therefore Chandra Asri is now officially the shareholder of two subsidiaries of PT KSI.

With this collaboration, the synergy between PT KSI and Chandra Asri is hoped to increase the water and energy supply capacity for industrial needs in Cilegon and the surrounding community. This corporate action is also carried out to optimize utilities as support for the operational, technical and financial processes, especially for the future development of Chandra Asri's second global-scaled petrochemical complex (CAP2).

21 - 02- 2023

21 - 02- 2023

Chandra Asri Supports Sustainable Infrastructure Through Utilization of Low-Value Plastic Waste

Chandra Asri Supports Sustainable Infrastructure Through Utilization of Low-Value Plastic Waste

Chandra Asri Supports Sustainable Infrastructure Through Utilization of Low-Value Plastic Waste

Commemorate National Waste Awareness Day (HPSN), Chandra Asri collaborated with the Indonesian Plastic Recycling Association (ADUPI) and the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office (PUPR) of Garut Regency to hold a discussion on the Utilization of Low-Value Plastic Waste for Sustainable Infrastructure. The topic discussed aligns with the circular economy initiatives carried out by the Company and partners to address the waste problem, and is also in line with the 2023 National Waste Awareness Day theme, namely, "Complete Waste Management for Community Welfare". This circular economy concept is also one of the solutions to reduce plastic waste in landfills and, at the same time, an effort to increase the economic value of low-value plastic waste.

Attended by Secretary of Garut Regency PUPR Office, Asep Oo Kosasih, Deputy Chairperson of Adupi, Justin Wiganda, and Director of Legal, External Affairs, and Circular Economy Chandra Asri, Edi Rivai, this event discussed the processing of plastic waste which is classified as low-value plastic as a material plastic asphalt mix. The implementation of the plastic asphalt program, one of which is through collaboration with ADUPI as the supplier of raw materials for chopped plastic waste. Regarding its implementation, one region that has successfully used plastic asphalt roads is Garut Regency. Collaborating with Chandra Asri and the Bakti Barito Foundation, the Garut Regency Government is committed to implementing a 50 km plastic asphalt road from 2022 to 2023.

14 - 02- 2023

14 - 02- 2023

Officially Operating, Two Electric Buses Become Shuttle Fleets for Chandra Asri's Employee

Officially Operating, Two Electric Buses Become Shuttle Fleets for Chandra Asri's Employee

Officially Operating, Two Electric Buses Become Shuttle Fleets for Chandra Asri's Employee

Beginning the year 2023, Chandra Asri marked a new milestone in protecting the environment by reducing emissions in the industrial transportation sector. On Tuesday (14/02), Chandra Asri officially started operating 2 (two) electric bus fleets from Mobil Anak Bangsa (MAB) through an inauguration ceremony, which was symbolically carried out by the Chairperson of the Indonesian Electric Vehicle Industry Association (Periklindo), General TNI (Retired) Dr. H. Moeldoko and President Director of Chandra Asri, Erwin Ciputra. This electric bus is a more efficient and environmentally friendly mobility option for employees' shuttle fleets.

Operating two electric bus fleets is calculated to cut diesel fuel consumption by up to 20,800 liters per year, equivalent to reducing emissions by up to 28.52 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2e) each year. The operation of electric buses also eliminates direct exhaust emissions, cuts the output of B3 waste in the form of used oil, and saves up to 621.5 Giga Joules of energy every year compared to diesel buses. In the future, Chandra Asri is also committed to gradually switching to electric vehicles to participate in the decarbonization process and the government's efforts to realize the target of reducing carbon emissions by 29 percent in 2030.