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25 - 07- 2024

25 - 07- 2024

Chandra Asri Group Achieves EDGE Advanced Green Building Certification

Chandra Asri Group Achieves EDGE Advanced Green Building Certification

Chandra Asri Group Achieves EDGE Advanced Green Building Certification

The Admin Building OPE at the Ciwandan Plant in Cilegon has successfully obtained the EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) Advanced Green Building Certification from the Green Building Council Indonesia. The EDGE certification assesses three main aspects: energy efficiency, water efficiency, and embodied carbon in materials, focusing on consistent sustainability practices reflected in the building's daily operations by utilizing renewable energy and selecting materials with minimal environmental impact.

Chandra Asri Group will continue to integrate sustainability into its business strategy. This will be concretely implemented by considering Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects in every business decision. This achievement also demonstrates the company's commitment to prioritizing environmentally friendly principles, with the EDGE Advanced certification recognizing that the Admin Building OPE has exceeded basic standards in design and operational efficiency for green buildings, resulting in more efficient use of electricity, water, and materials.

19 - 07- 2024

19 - 07- 2024

Integrated Port Services and Bulk Liquid Storage through PT Chandra Pelabuhan Nusantara (CPN)

Integrated Port Services and Bulk Liquid Storage through PT Chandra Pelabuhan Nusantara (CPN)

Integrated Port Services and Bulk Liquid Storage through PT Chandra Pelabuhan Nusantara (CPN)

The Chandra Asri Group is currently operating an integrated solution, offering port services (loading and unloading services and berthing services) and liquid bulk storage (tank rental) for various industries in Cilegon and surrounding areas through its subsidiary, PT Chandra Pelabuhan Nusantara (CPN). CPN operates three strategic docks in the Sunda Strait with a total capacity of 96,000 DWT for various products and a tank facility of 518,000 cubic meters for naphtha, ethylene, propylene, pyrolysis gasoline (Py-Gas), and others. The presence of CPN is expected to optimize the operational efficiency of various industries and provide added value for stakeholders.

Industries in Cilegon will soon be able to utilize CPN's services to distribute liquid chemicals, petrochemicals, and refinery products, enhancing mobility efficiency. CPN has received approval from the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation with the issuance of the Port Business Entity (BUP) license compliance letter on February 20, 2024. On July 1, 2024, the Chandra Asri Group effectively transferred the port assets, docks, storage facilities, and supporting facilities to CPN.

25 - 06- 2024

25 - 06- 2024

Chandra Asri Group Operates a Bag Film Roll Plant for Heavy Duty Sacks

Chandra Asri Group Operates a Bag Film Roll Plant for Heavy Duty Sacks

Chandra Asri Group Operates a Bag Film Roll Plant for Heavy Duty Sacks

Chandra Asri Group operates a Bag Film Roll (BFR) Plant that utilizes the company's Polyethylene products to produce Heavy Duty Sacks. The BFR production is also testing the use of 30% recycled material from post-consumer sacks, known as Post Consumer Recycle (PCR). The presence of the BFR Plant is expected to enhance the effectiveness of the company's internal supply chain and better serve customer needs.

In the past year, the BFR Plant has produced packaging for Chandra Asri Group's resin products, namely Asrene® and Trilene®. At the BFR Plant, Chandra Asri Group uses equipment with an efficient air cooling system to reduce energy and water usage, and selectively adopts the best technology to reduce noise levels. Additionally, the company ensures that the cooling materials used in the production process are environmentally friendly and free from ozone-depleting substances (non-ODS – Ozone Depleting Substance).

20 - 06- 2024

20 - 06- 2024

Chandra Asri Group Involves Culinary MSMEs in TAM 2024

Chandra Asri Group Involves Culinary MSMEs in TAM 2024

Chandra Asri Group Involves Culinary MSMEs in TAM 2024

Chandra Asri Group collaborates with 23 culinary MSMEs from Ciwandan District, Cilegon City, and Anyar District, Serang Regency, Banten to open stalls within the petrochemical plant during the scheduled plant maintenance period, known as Turn Around Maintenance (TAM), to provide food for the workers. The hygiene of the food and drinks sold is monitored by the Safety Health and Environment (SHE) Team and Chandra Asri Group Clinic Doctors. This initiative was carried out by the Chandra Asri Group as a form of contribution to improving the welfare of the surrounding community and supporting MSMEs as one of the foundational pillars of the Indonesian economy.

The MSMEs involved reported a significant increase in income and succeeded in establishing wider relationships through interactions between business actors. Henny, from Kp. Pangabuan, Kel. Gunung Sugih, which is one of the MSMEs, said that its daily income had increased by 250% from usual. The involvement of MSMEs is the Company's effort to participate in improving the economic level of local communities by involving culinary business actors.

12 - 06- 2024

12 - 06- 2024

Chandra Asri Group Built National Plastic Asphalt Showcase in Bali

Chandra Asri Group Built National Plastic Asphalt Showcase in Bali

Chandra Asri Group Built National Plastic Asphalt Showcase in Bali

Chandra Asri Group in collaboration with the ASEAN Center of Excellence on Smart City (ASECH) and Jimbaran Hijau, inaugurated the National Plastic Asphalt Showcase in the Jimbaran Hijau area on Tuesday (11/06). This National Plastic Asphalt Showcase serves as a Learning Center for the development of Plastic Asphalt, aimed at inspiring broader implementation in various regions across Indonesia.

This plastic asphalt showcase will become a Learning Center where policymakers from various regions can directly observe the use of low-value plastic waste, such as plastic bags, as a mixture in asphalt. Bali was chosen for this showcase due to its strategic location (an international hub), numerous NGOs and communities, and its reputation as a top recreational destination worldwide, thereby promoting the adoption of this plastic asphalt innovation in Indonesia.

02 - 06- 2024

02 - 06- 2024

The Fifth Aksi Asri Operasi Semut Held in Kota Tua

The Fifth Aksi Asri Operasi Semut Held in Kota Tua

The Fifth Aksi Asri Operasi Semut Held in Kota Tua

Chandra Asri Group is again holding the Aksi Asri Operasi Semut in Kota Tua Jakarta, an iconic historical tourist destination in Jakarta. The Asri Semut Operation Vol.5 action was attended by 33 volunteers consisting of the general public and employees. In this fifth activity, 24 kilograms of waste were collected, consisting of 4 kilograms of organic waste, 12.5 kilograms of plastic waste, 3.5 kilograms of paper waste and 4 kilograms of other waste. The collected waste is then handed over to the waste management facility managed by the Kota Tua Area Management Unit (UPK) for further management.

It is hoped that the presence of the Asri Operation Semut Action will be able to help the community build new habits in waste management, starting from simple steps such as sorting waste according to type before throwing it away. This activity is also expected to increase public awareness regarding the positive impacts of waste sorting, such as plastic waste which can be further utilized if it is sorted properly.

16 - 05- 2024

16 - 05- 2024

Chandra Asri Group (TPIA) Included in Prestigious MSCI Global Standard Indexes

Chandra Asri Group (TPIA) Included in Prestigious MSCI Global Standard Indexes

Chandra Asri Group (TPIA) Included in Prestigious MSCI Global Standard Indexes

Chandra Asri Group shares are included in the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Global Standard Index for Emerging Markets, based on a quarterly publication published in London on May 14 2024. Chandra Asri Group's inclusion is effective at market close on May 31 2024.

This achievement reflects Chandra Asri Group's consistent performance as well as strong market capitalization and liquidity, in line with MSCI's strict inclusion criteria. MSCI recognized Chandra Asri Group's impressive market capitalization and free float-adjusted market capitalization, which met the index threshold. This inclusion confirms Chandra Asri Group's position as a major player in the global chemical and infrastructure industry.

15 - 05- 2024

15 - 05- 2024

Chandra Asri Group Undergoes Scheduled Maintenance

Chandra Asri Group Undergoes Scheduled Maintenance

Chandra Asri Group Undergoes Scheduled Maintenance

PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (Chandra Asri Group), a leading chemical and infrastructure solutions company in Indonesia, is undergoing Turnaround Maintenance (TAM) or scheduled facility maintenance for its petrochemical plant located in Ciwandan, Cilegon City, Banten. This maintenance process began on May 7, 2024, and is expected to last approximately 55 days.

This TAM activity is also including the integration of new facilities with existing ones to support the Company's future expansion and business development plans, thereby strengthening the self-sufficiency of the domestic industry. Additionally, several sustainability initiatives are implemented during this TAM, one of which is the utilization of renewable energy through the installation of the third phase of the solar rooftop. This demonstrates the Company's commitment to maintaining operational sustainability and energy efficiency

08 - 05- 2024

08 - 05- 2024

Chandra Asri Group and Glencore to Acquire Shell’s Energy and Chemicals Assets in Singapore

Chandra Asri Group and Glencore to Acquire Shell’s Energy and Chemicals Assets in Singapore

Chandra Asri Group and Glencore to Acquire Shell’s Energy and Chemicals Assets in Singapore

PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (“Chandra Asri Group)  and Glencore plc (“Glencore”), one of the world’s leading natural resources companies, have entered into a Sales and Purchase Agreement with Shell Singapore Pte. Ltd. (“SSPL”) to acquire all its interest in the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Singapore (“SECP”).

Following a competitive auction process, CAPGC Pte. Ltd. (“CAPGC”), a joint venture that is majority-owned and operated by Chandra Asri Group and minority-owned by Glencore through their respective subsidiary companies, agreed to acquire SECP which comprises a refinery with processing capacity of 237,000 barrels per day of crude oil, a 1.1 million metric ton per annum ethylene cracker on Bukom island, and downstream chemical assets on Jurong Island.

08 - 05- 2024

08 - 05- 2024

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) 2024

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) 2024

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) 2024

Pada Rabu, 8 Mei 2024 Chandra Asri menyelenggarakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) 2023 di Jakarta. Dalam agenda Rapat tahunan ini terdapat 9 (sembilan) mata acara yang dibahas, diantaranya mengenai pembagian dividen, pengembangan bisnis, dan perubahan susunan pengurus Perseroan.

Rapat menyetujui pembagian dividen tunai dengan menggunakan bagian dana dari Laba Ditahan 2021. Rapat juga membahas studi kelayakan atas rencana penambahan kegiatan usaha pembuatan Bag Film Roll serta pemisahan unit kepelabuhanan laut, dermaga dan fasilitas penyimpanan kepada anak perusahaan yang 99,99% sahamnya dimiliki oleh Perseroan, yakni PT Chandra Pelabuhan Nusantara (CPAT).