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Circular Economy

16 - 04- 2020

16 - 04- 2020

Plastic Asphalt Implementation at Chandra Asri B1/MTBE Project Area

Plastic Asphalt Implementation at Chandra Asri B1/MTBE Project Area

Plastic Asphalt Implementation at Chandra Asri B1/MTBE Project Area

Committed to implementing a circular economy, on April 16, 2020, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk held a 350 meters long plastic asphalt in its B1/MTBE project area. In collaboration with Ikatan Pemulung Indonesia, the implementation has utilized 480 thousand pieces of plastic shopping bag waste. This plastic asphalt has succeeded in reducing 3.6 tons of waste piles at the landfill.

 It is the third implementation of plastic asphalt carried out by Chandra Asri in its plant area. This project has utilized 2.6 million pieces of plastic shopping bag waste, as well as managing plastic waste up to 20.4 tons to reduce the pile of garbage in the landfill. Until now, Chandra Asri has implemented 22.6 km of plastic asphalt in various cities as a way to increase the added value of plastic waste.

24 - 02- 2020

24 - 02- 2020

Cooperation with BPPT for Innovation in Polymer Material Technology

Cooperation with BPPT for Innovation in Polymer Material Technology

Cooperation with BPPT for Innovation in Polymer Material Technology

On February 24, 2020, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk together with the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) signed a collaboration to develop innovations in the field of polymer material technology. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was represented by Suryandi as the Director of Chandra Asri and Hammam Riza as the Head of BPPT.

This collaboration has two main pillars namely the development of the latest technology and products and the development of initiatives within the framework of a circular economic sustainable program. As a first step, it starts with research on processing multilayer plastic waste to be an added value product, because there are still few options to process this type of waste.

20 - 02- 2020

20 - 02- 2020

Chandra Asri Participates in The SCG SD Symposium 2020

Chandra Asri Participates in The SCG SD Symposium 2020

Chandra Asri Participates in The SCG SD Symposium 2020

On February 20, 2020, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk participated in the SD Symposium 2020 event organized by the Siam Cement Group (SCG). Located at The Ritz-Carlton Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, the event theme of Circular Economy: Collaboration for Action aims to strengthen SCG's collaboration with its stakeholders in implementing the concept of circular economy in Indonesia.

Through this forum, Chandra Asri contributed to the introduction of plastic asphalt projects that have been implemented in many regions in Indonesia. In the future, it is expected that the collaboration between Chandra Asri and SCG to implement a circular economy will remain.

17 - 02- 2020

17 - 02- 2020

Chandra Asri Supports The First Plastic Asphalt in Semarang

Chandra Asri Supports The First Plastic Asphalt in Semarang

Chandra Asri Supports The First Plastic Asphalt in Semarang

From 17 February to 20 February 2020, Chandra Asri supported the first plastic asphalt in Semarang City. Collaborating with Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) and Semarang City Government, the implementation was held on Yudistira Street to Arjuna Raya Street, Pendrikan Kidul, Central Semarang which is a road in the campus area.

This collaboration is a form of the application of the concept of circular economy in Indonesia in the processing of plastic waste in Indonesia, so that single-use plastic waste can be reused into high-value products and does not end up at the Final Disposal Site (TPA). To maximize this waste management, waste segregation is needed from the beginning so that the material value of each waste can be maintained.

12 - 02- 2020

12 - 02- 2020

Astra International Visit to Chandra Asri

Astra International Visit to Chandra Asri

Astra International Visit to Chandra Asri

As a growth partner for the Government, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk is committed to continuously provide plastic waste management education to society. On 12 February 2020, Astra International and its subsidiary visited Chandra Asri Site Office in Cilegon.

Through this visit, Astra International employees were allowed to study the plastic waste management program that has been implemented by Chandra Asri, which is a plastic asphalt road. The participants of the activity were explained the materials of plastic asphalt as an alternative solution through plastic waste issues. Throughout 2019, Chandra Asri has successfully implemented 22 kilometers of plastic asphalt by utilizing 18.8 million pieces of plastic bag waste.

From this activity, good cooperation is expected to be established between Chandra Asri and Astra International of managing plastic waste in Indonesia.

06 - 02- 2020

06 - 02- 2020

Chandra Asri Cooperates with SCG and Dow in Management of Plastic Waste in Indonesia

Chandra Asri Cooperates with SCG and Dow in Management of  Plastic Waste in Indonesia

Chandra Asri Cooperates with SCG and Dow in Management of Plastic Waste in Indonesia

On February 6, 2020, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical together with SCG Indonesia and Dow Indonesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding as a form of cooperation in promoting plastic waste management program in Indonesia. Located in Sudirman, Jakarta, the collaboration is made to support circular economy implementation

The event was attended by Fransiskus Ruly Aryawan as Director of Feedstock Monomer Chandra Asri, Suryandi as Director of HR and Corporate Affairs Chandra Asri, Vichan Tankengsirisin as President Director of Dow Indonesia, Jon Penrice as President of Dow Asia Pacific, and Pathama Sirikul as President Director of SCG Indonesia.

With this cooperation, a better waste management program is expected to be created. Thus, the plastic waste issues in Indonesia can be solved together.

25 - 11- 2019

25 - 11- 2019

Asphalt Plastic Inauguration Along 19 Km with Cilegon City Government

Asphalt Plastic Inauguration Along 19 Km with Cilegon City Government

Asphalt Plastic Inauguration Along 19 Km with Cilegon City Government

Committed to implementing the circular economy concept, on 25 November 2019, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk together with Cilegon City Government inaugurated plastic asphalt road along 19 kilometers spread across 34 points in Cilegon City.

Located at Al-Ishlah Foundation, this event was attended by Ratu Ati Marliati, as Deputy Mayor of Cilegon. Chandra Asri provided 16.5 tons of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic bag waste for the asphalt mixture. Implementation of plastic asphalt is a form of CAP's business as a growth partner for the government to participate in the management of plastic waste.

21 - 09- 2019

21 - 09- 2019

Clean Up Movement in World Clean Up Day 2019

Clean Up Movement in World Clean Up Day 2019

Clean Up Movement in World Clean Up Day 2019

On 21 September 2019, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk participated again in World Clean Up Day 2019. 100 CAP volunteers joined in cleaning up waste at the Mangrove Nature Park, Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta.

In this clean action activity, the volunteers are not only collect waste but also do sorting to minimize the pile of waste which dumps to the landfill. After being sorted according to the categories, the collected plastic waste will be sent to the waste bank for recycling. With the enthusiasm of all volunteers, 675.37 kg of waste was collected at this location.

12 - 09- 2019

12 - 09- 2019

CAP Supports Community-Based Waste Management Industry

CAP Supports Community-Based Waste Management Industry

CAP Supports Community-Based Waste Management Industry

On 12 September 2019, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (CAP) inaugurates waste recycling facility, known as Zero Waste Management Industry (IPS Masaro for short) in Cilegon. IPS Masaro is concept to encourage the community to change the old conventional way of waste disposal, collect-transport-throwaway to segregate-transport-process, where all waste collected is processed leaving zero waste. Organic waste will be processed into liquid fertilizer and mulch, meanwhile the non-organic waste will processed into fuel and waste with no economic value will go into an incinerator, where plastic waste is processed into fuel in high temperature, and into pyrolysis machine which also produces fuel to operate machine in IPS Masaro.

This facility was built by a solid partnership among Indonesia Olefin, Aromatic and Plastic Industry Association (INAPLAS), Institut Teknik Bandung (ITB), the regional government and the local communities in implementing Masaro. Among the three pyrolysis machines in IPS Masaro, one gas-fueled machine is a modification by an 11th grade volunteer named John Leiman from Jakarta Intercultural School. CAP welcomes and appreciates John’s enthusiasm and contribution, through his work with the smaller scale pyrolysis machine in IPS Masaro.

IPS Masaro will process household waste from approximately 1000 families, with waste segregation conducted by the members of families at home.  Separated waste will be exchanged with incentives of daily household products obtained at the Masaro facility regularly.

07 - 09- 2019

07 - 09- 2019

Segregate Our Waste Like Japanese Culture at Jak-Japan Matsuri Festival 2019

Segregate Our Waste Like Japanese Culture at Jak-Japan Matsuri Festival 2019

Segregate Our Waste Like Japanese Culture at Jak-Japan Matsuri Festival 2019

As a pleasant form of education on the proper waste management system, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk joined Jak-Japan Matsuri Festival 2019 event to socialize Let’s Segregate Our Waste, Like Japanese Culture. CAP presents a booth that contains exciting games for two days, 7-8 September 2019. This friendly relations festival between Indonesia and Japan held at the Gelora Bung Karno Plaza, Jakarta, is crowded with young people who are the main target in behavior change in waste management.